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Forked from alekratz/.aliases
Last active November 24, 2023 22:17
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Pacman aliases
# Detailed ls list to less in color
if ls --color -d . >/dev/null 2>&1; then
alias L="ls --color -l | less -r"
elif ls -G -d . >/dev/null 2>&1; then
alias L="CLICOLOR_FORCE=1 ls -l | less -r"
# alias systemctl='sudo systemctl'
alias se='ls /usr/bin | grep'
# Tree in color (needs to be installed on MacOS)
alias T="tree -C | less -R"
# Make dir and cd into it
mkcd () { mkdir -p "$@" && cd "$@"; }
# Clear
# Tree in color (needs to be installed on MacOS)
alias c="clear"
# Textmate command open sublime
# NOTE: This might only work in ZSH
mate() { nohup komodo "$@" </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &!; }
clock () {
while [ 1 ] ; do echo -en " $(date +"%I:%M:%S %P")\r" ; sleep 1; done
rm__git () {
find . -name ".git*" -printf '%p\n' -exec rm -rf "{}" \;
## pacman ##
alias pacrepo='sudo reflector -l 20 -f 10 --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist'
alias pacman='sudo pacman'
alias pacu='sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm'
alias auru='yaourt -Syua --noconfirm'
# install
alias pac-install='pacman -S'
# update, add 'a' to the list of letters to update AUR packages if you use yaourt
alias pac-update='pacman -Syu'
# remove
alias pac-remove='pacman -Rs'
# search
alias pac-search='pacman -Ss'
# info
alias pac-info='pacman -Si'
# list orphans
alias pac-list-orphans='pacman -Qdt'
# remove orphans
alias pac-remove-orphans='paclo && sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)'
# clean cache
alias pac-clean-cache='pacman -Scc'
# list files
alias pac-list-files='pacman -Ql'
#alias pacsyu="sudo pacman -Syu" # update database & upgrade
#alias pacsy="sudo pacman -Sy" # update only
#alias pacsu="sudo pacman -Su" # upgrade only
#alias pacs="sudo pacman -S" # sync (install)
#alias pacss="pacman -Ss" # search package
#alias pacsi="pacman -Si" # details of the package
#alias pacqs="pacman -Qs" # search locally installed package
#alias pacq="pacman -Q" # version information
#alias pacqi="pacman -Qi" # details of the installed package
#alias pacql="pacman -Ql" # list all files of the package
#alias pacrs="sudo pacman -Rs" # remove package not leaving orphans
#alias pacr="sudo pacman -R" # only remove selected package
#alias pacrns="sudo pacman -Rns" # remove (not leaving any orphans) == clean removal + remove configs
#alias pacrdd="sudo pacman -Rdd" # remove packages (breaking dependencies)
#alias pacqm="pacman -Qm" # packages installed from aur
#alias pacqo="pacman -Qo" # file owned by $package
#alias pacqkk="pacman -Qkk" # check for any altered files
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