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Created August 16, 2019 09:26
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import pandas as pd
import requests, re, datetime, urllib.parse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
def get_datelist():
base_time =
base_time = base_time.replace(hour=0, second=0, minute=0, microsecond=0)
date_list = [base_time + datetime.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(1, 15)]
date_list = [unformatted.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for unformatted in date_list]
return date_list
print("getting date list")
date_list = get_datelist()
def get_soup(origin, destination, date):
base_url = "{}&to={}&departure_date={}"
url = base_url.format(origin, destination, date)
c = requests.get(url, "html.parse")
c = c.content
soup = bs(c,features="lxml")
return soup
def get_ticket_info(soup):
stuff = soup.findAll("article")
bus_co = [thing.h4.get_text().split(" - ",3) for thing in stuff]
price = [re.findall('\d+',thing.find("span", {"class":"price listprice"}).get_text())[0] for thing in stuff]
seats = [re.findall('\d+',thing.find("div", {"class":"action"}).get_text().strip().replace("\n","").replace("SOLD OUT","0")) for thing in stuff if thing]
seats = [int(seat[0]) if len(seat)>0 else 0 for seat in seats]
route_info = [{"bus_co":bus, "origin":origin, "destination":dest} for origin, dest, bus in bus_co]
meta = [{"price":price, "seats_remaining":seat, "created_at":} for price, seat in zip(price, seats)]
info = [thing.find("div", {"class":"time"}) for thing in stuff]
headers = [thing.findAll("span", {"class":"skin-color"}) for thing in info]
headers = [[head.get_text().strip() for head in header] for header in headers]
datas = [thing.findAll("span", {"class":"search_data_values"}) for thing in info]
datas = [[datum.get_text().strip() for datum in data] for data in datas]
finale = [dict(zip(header, data)) for header, data in zip(headers, datas)]
ready = [{**route, **meta, **finale} for route, meta, finale in zip(route_info, meta, finale)]
return ready
print("First Iteration")
df = pd.DataFrame(
get_soup("Nairobi", "Arusha", date_list[0])
df["search_origin"] = "Nairobi"
df["search_destination"] = "Arusha"
df["search_date"] = date_list[0]
def get_places(soup):
places = soup.find_all("select")
_from = places[0].findAll("option")
_from = [place['value'] for place in _from]
_to = places[1].findAll("option")
_to = [place['value'] for place in _to]
_from = [urllib.parse.quote(fro) for fro in _from if fro]
_to = [urllib.parse.quote(to) for to in _to if to]
_from_to = [[_from, _to] for _from, _to in zip(_from,_to) if _from is not _to]
return _from_to
_from_to = get_places(get_soup("Nairobi", "Arusha", date_list[0]))
_from_to_date = []
for date in date_list:
temp = _from_to
temp['date'] = date
csv_name = "./scraped""%Y-%m-%d")+".csv"
startTime =
def df_loops(_list):
origin, destination, date = _list
soup = get_soup(origin,destination,date)
new_df = pd.DataFrame(get_ticket_info(soup))
new_df["search_origin"] = origin
new_df["search_destination"] = destination
new_df["search_date"] = date
return new_df
print("Starting loop at " + str(startTime))
with ThreadPool(10) as pool:
for result in, _from_to_date):
df = df.append(result, ignore_index=True, sort=True)
print("It took "+str( - startTime)+" to run this script")
df.drop_duplicates(keep="first", inplace=True)
#make columns lowercase so that I can easily put them in a database if needed.
df.columns = map(str.lower, df.columns)
print("Final write of csv")
#df.to_sql('buupass', engine, if_exists='append', index=False)
#print("Saved to DB")
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javix64 commented Aug 20, 2020

i was searching for web scraping, and i found this gem. i will study it more deeply. im new in python, and i love scrap everything. multithread is a good idea!

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Thanks @javix64, I'm glad it could help!

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