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Last active February 1, 2020 22:49
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  • Save ttresslar/bc3d3cab28c7e0c02e13c2ffb57b4944 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ttresslar/bc3d3cab28c7e0c02e13c2ffb57b4944 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//Setting Global variables for the apps I'll be using
var SS = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()
var UI = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
//On open is a reserved function. It runs every time a user opens the sheet.
//I'm using it to make the menu
function onOpen() {
var UI = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
UI.createMenu('Data Archtects')
.addItem('Insert This data', 'makeItHot')
.addItem('Resize Cells', 'resetSizes')
//This opens the prompt to enter the table name
function showPrompt() {
var result = UI.prompt(
'Please enter the table name:',
var button = result.getSelectedButton();
var text = result.getResponseText();
if (button == UI.Button.OK) {
return text;
} else if (button == UI.Button.CANCEL) {
return ""
} else if (button == UI.Button.CLOSE) {
return "";
//This is the main function. It digests the table an dturns it into a sql statement.
function makeItHot() {
var myText = showPrompt();
if (myText === "") {return};
var myData = SS.getActiveRange().getValues();
var headers = myData[0];
var data = myData.slice(1, myData.length)
var simplifiedData = [];
var headerString = "INSERT INTO "+ myText +" ("
headerString = headerString.concat(headers.join());
headerString = headerString.concat(") \n VALUES \n");
for (var i=0;i<data.length;i++){
headerString = headerString.concat("(");
var line = data[i].map(stringDis)
headerString = headerString.concat(line);
headerString = headerString.concat(")")
if (i<data.length-1){
headerString = headerString.concat(",\n");
//the end of this function returns an alert that holds the insert statment
return UI.alert(headerString);
//this is a dumb little function that handles the different types of cells
//basically handles integers, dates, and strings. Also handles apostrophes
function stringDis(x) {
if (typeof x == 'number') {
return x
} else if (typeof x == 'object') {
return "'"+Utilities.formatDate(x, "EST", "yyyy-MM-dd")+"'";
} else {
return "'"+x.replace(/\'/g,"\'\'")+"'";
//this little guy makes a query history, so if I need the statment for anything later on, I can grab it.
function recordIt (query) {
var historySheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("History");
historySheet.appendRow([new Date(), query]);
//sometimes I insert data and need to resize the cells, This undoes that
function resetSizes() {
var height = 21;
var width = 100;
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
ss.setColumnWidths(1, ss.getLastColumn(), width);
ss.setRowHeights(1, ss.getLastRow(), height);
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This is a quick script that takes your data and creates a SQL insert statement to input the data into a table that you specify.

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