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Forked from domoritz/wos.php
Last active December 28, 2015 05:29
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# tts: The WSDL URLs have changed, and some minor changes in qparams and rparams
from suds.client import Client
from suds.transport.http import HttpTransport
import urllib2
class HTTPSudsPreprocessor(urllib2.BaseHandler):
def __init__(self, SID):
self.SID = SID
def http_request(self, req):
req.add_header('cookie', 'SID="'+self.SID+'"')
return req
https_request = http_request
class WokmwsSoapClient():
main steps you have to do:
soap = WokmwsSoapClient()
results =
def __init__(self):
self.url = self.client = {}
self.SID = ''
self.url['auth'] = ''
self.url['search'] = ''
def __del__(self):
def prepare(self):
"""does all the initialization we need for a request"""
def initAuthClient(self):
self.client['auth'] = Client(self.url['auth'])
def initSearchClient(self):
http = HttpTransport()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(HTTPSudsPreprocessor(self.SID))
http.urlopener = opener
self.client['search'] = Client(self.url['search'], transport = http)
def authenticate(self):
self.SID = self.client['auth'].service.authenticate()
def close(self):
def search(self, query):
qparams = {
'databaseId' : 'WOS',
'userQuery' : query,
'queryLanguage' : 'en',
'editions' : [{
'collection' : 'WOS',
'edition' : 'SCI',
'collection' : 'WOS',
'edition' : 'SSCI',
rparams = {
'count' : 5, # 1-100
'firstRecord' : 1,
return self.client['search'], rparams)
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