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Created July 30, 2023 04:04
use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
/// Uses a sorted slice `data: &[E]` as a kind of "multi-map". The
/// `key_fn` extracts a key of type `K` from the data, and this
/// function finds the range of elements that match the key. `data`
/// must have been sorted as if by a call to `sort_by_key` for this to
/// work.
pub fn binary_search_slice<'d, E, K>(data: &'d [E], key_fn: impl Fn(&E) -> K, key: &K) -> &'d [E]
K: Ord,
let Ok(mid) = data.binary_search_by_key(key, &key_fn) else {
return &[];
let size = data.len();
// We get back *some* element with the given key -- so do
// a galloping search backwards to find the *first* one.
let mut start = mid;
let mut previous = mid;
let mut step = 1;
loop {
start = start.saturating_sub(step);
if start == 0 || key_fn(&data[start]) != *key {
previous = start;
step *= 2;
step = previous - start;
while step > 1 {
let half = step / 2;
let mid = start + half;
if key_fn(&data[mid]) != *key {
start = mid;
step -= half;
// adjust by one if we have overshot
if start < size && key_fn(&data[start]) != *key {
start += 1;
// Now search forward to find the *last* one.
let mut end = mid;
let mut previous = mid;
let mut step = 1;
loop {
end = end.saturating_add(step).min(size);
if end == size || key_fn(&data[end]) != *key {
previous = end;
step *= 2;
step = end - previous;
while step > 1 {
let half = step / 2;
let mid = end - half;
if key_fn(&data[mid]) != *key {
end = mid;
step -= half;
/// Uses a sorted slice `data: &[E]` as a kind of "multi-map". The
/// `key_fn` extracts a key of type `K` from the data, and this
/// function finds the range of elements that match the key. `data`
/// must have been sorted as if by a call to `sort_by_key` for this to
/// work.
pub fn binary_search_slice_new<'d, E, K>(data: &'d [E], key_fn: impl Fn(&E) -> K, key: &K) -> &'d [E]
K: Ord,
let size = data.len();
let start = data.partition_point(|x| key_fn(x) < *key);
// At this point `start` either points at the first entry with equal or
// greater key or is equal to `size` in case all elements have smaller keys
// Invariant: start == size || key_fn(&data[start]) >= *key
if start == size || key_fn(&data[start]) != *key {
return &[];
// Invariant: start < size && key_fn(&data[start]) == *key
// Find the first entry with key > `key`. Skip `start` entries since
// key_fn(&data[start]) == *key
// Invariant: offset == size || key_fn(&data[offset]) >= *key
let offset = start + 1;
let end = data[offset..].partition_point(|x| key_fn(x) <= *key) + offset;
// Invariant: end == size || key_fn(&data[end]) > *key
fn bench_inserts(c: &mut Criterion) {
let mut group = c.benchmark_group("multiply add");
let data = [(0, "zero"), (3, "three-a"), (3, "three-b"), (22, "twenty-two")];
let keys = [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 22, 23];
group.bench_function("binary_search_slice", |b| {
b.iter(|| {
let mut total_len = 0;
for key in keys {
total_len += binary_search_slice(&data, |x| x.0, &key).len();
group.bench_function("binary_search_slice_new", |b| {
b.iter(|| {
let mut total_len = 0;
for key in keys {
total_len += binary_search_slice_new(&data, |x| x.0, &key).len();
criterion_group!(benches, bench_inserts);
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