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Last active July 17, 2022 16:19
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Mean Reversion Trading Algorithm (Alpaca)
using Alpaca.Markets;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
namespace Examples
class MeanReversionPaperOnly
private string API_KEY = "REPLACEME";
private string API_SECRET = "REPLACEME";
private string API_URL = "";
private string symbol = "SPY";
private Decimal scale = 200;
private RestClient restClient;
private Guid lastTradeId = Guid.NewGuid();
private List<Decimal> closingPrices = new List<Decimal>();
public void Run()
restClient = new RestClient(API_KEY, API_SECRET, API_URL);
// First, cancel any existing orders so they don't impact our buying power.
var orders = restClient.ListOrdersAsync().Result;
foreach (var order in orders)
// Figure out when the market will close so we can prepare to sell beforehand.
var calendars = restClient.ListCalendarAsync(DateTime.Today).Result;
var calendarDate = calendars.First().TradingDate;
var closingTime = calendars.First().TradingCloseTime;
closingTime = new DateTime(calendarDate.Year, calendarDate.Month, calendarDate.Day, closingTime.Hour, closingTime.Minute, closingTime.Second);
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for market open...");
Console.WriteLine("Market opened.");
// Check every minute for price updates.
TimeSpan timeUntilClose = closingTime - DateTime.UtcNow;
while (timeUntilClose.TotalMinutes > 15)
// Cancel old order if it's not already been filled.
// Get information about current account value.
var account = restClient.GetAccountAsync().Result;
Decimal buyingPower = account.BuyingPower;
Decimal portfolioValue = account.PortfolioValue;
// Get information about our existing position.
int positionQuantity = 0;
Decimal positionValue = 0;
var currentPosition = restClient.GetPositionAsync(symbol).Result;
positionQuantity = currentPosition.Quantity;
positionValue = currentPosition.MarketValue;
catch (Exception e)
// No position exists. This exception can be safely ignored.
var barSet = restClient.GetBarSetAsync(new String[] { symbol }, TimeFrame.Minute, 20).Result;
var bars = barSet[symbol];
Decimal avg = bars.Average(item => item.Close);
Decimal currentPrice = bars.Last().Close;
Decimal diff = avg - currentPrice;
if (diff <= 0)
// Above the 20 minute average - exit any existing long position.
if (positionQuantity > 0)
Console.WriteLine("Setting position to zero.");
SubmitOrder(positionQuantity, currentPrice, OrderSide.Sell);
Console.WriteLine("No position to exit.");
// Allocate a percent of our portfolio to this position.
Decimal portfolioShare = diff / currentPrice * scale;
Decimal targetPositionValue = portfolioValue * portfolioShare;
Decimal amountToAdd = targetPositionValue - positionValue;
if (amountToAdd > 0)
// Buy as many shares as we can without going over amountToAdd.
// Make sure we're not trying to buy more than we can.
if (amountToAdd > buyingPower)
amountToAdd = buyingPower;
int qtyToBuy = (int)(amountToAdd / currentPrice);
SubmitOrder(qtyToBuy, currentPrice, OrderSide.Buy);
// Sell as many shares as we can without going under amountToAdd.
// Make sure we're not trying to sell more than we have.
amountToAdd *= -1;
int qtyToSell = (int)(amountToAdd / currentPrice);
if (qtyToSell > positionQuantity)
qtyToSell = positionQuantity;
SubmitOrder(qtyToSell, currentPrice, OrderSide.Sell);
// Wait another minute.
timeUntilClose = closingTime - DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Market nearing close; closing position.");
private void AwaitMarketOpen()
while (!restClient.GetClockAsync().Result.IsOpen)
// Submit an order if quantity is not zero.
private void SubmitOrder(int quantity, Decimal price, OrderSide side)
if (quantity == 0)
Console.WriteLine("No order necessary.");
Console.WriteLine($"Submitting {side} order for {quantity} shares at ${price}.");
var order = restClient.PostOrderAsync(symbol, quantity, side, OrderType.Limit, TimeInForce.Day, price).Result;
lastTradeId = order.OrderId;
private void ClosePositionAtMarket()
var positionQuantity = restClient.GetPositionAsync(symbol).Result.Quantity;
restClient.PostOrderAsync(symbol, positionQuantity, OrderSide.Sell, OrderType.Market, TimeInForce.Day);
catch (Exception e)
// No position to exit.
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// F# version - compiles, not tested
// 3.0.3 seemed to compile
open System.Threading.Tasks

let API_URL = ""

let symbol = "SPY"
let scale = 200m
let mutable restClient: RestClient = null

let mutable lastTradeId = Guid.NewGuid()
let closingPrices = ResizeArray<Decimal>();

let awaitMarketOpen() =
    while not (restClient.GetClockAsync().Result.IsOpen) do
// Submit an order if quantity is not zero.
let submitOrder(quantity:int, price:Decimal, side:OrderSide ) =
    if quantity = 0 then
        Console.WriteLine("No order necessary.");
        printfn "Submitting %A order for %A shares at $%A." side quantity price
        let order = restClient.PostOrderAsync(symbol, int64 quantity, side, OrderType.Limit, TimeInForce.Day, Nullable price).Result;
        lastTradeId <- order.OrderId;

let closePositionAtMarket() =
        let positionQuantity = restClient.GetPositionAsync(symbol).Result.Quantity
        restClient.PostOrderAsync(symbol, int64 positionQuantity, OrderSide.Sell, OrderType.Market, TimeInForce.Day)
        |> ignore<Task<_>>
    with e -> () // No position to exit.
let run () =
    restClient <- new RestClient(API_KEY, API_SECRET, API_URL);

    // First, cancel any existing orders so they don't impact our buying power.
    let orders = restClient.ListOrdersAsync().Result;
    |> Seq.iter(fun order ->
        |> ignore<Task<_>>

    // Figure out when the market will close so we can prepare to sell beforehand.
    let calendars = restClient.ListCalendarAsync(Nullable DateTime.Today).Result
    let calendarDate = calendars.First().TradingDate
    let mutable closingTime = calendars.First().TradingCloseTime
    closingTime <- new DateTime(calendarDate.Year, calendarDate.Month, calendarDate.Day, closingTime.Hour, closingTime.Minute, closingTime.Second)

    printfn "Waiting for market open..."
    printfn "Market opened."

    // Check every minute for price updates.
    let mutable timeUntilClose = closingTime - DateTime.UtcNow;
    while timeUntilClose.TotalMinutes > 15. do
        // Cancel old order if it's not already been filled.
        |> ignore<Task<bool>>

        // Get information about current account value.
        let account = restClient.GetAccountAsync().Result
        let buyingPower = account.BuyingPower
        let portfolioValue = account.PortfolioValue

        // Get information about our existing position.
        let mutable positionQuantity = 0
        let mutable positionValue = 0m
            let currentPosition = restClient.GetPositionAsync(symbol).Result
            positionQuantity <- currentPosition.Quantity
            positionValue <- currentPosition.MarketValue
        with e ->
            // No position exists. This exception can be safely ignored.

        let barSet = restClient.GetBarSetAsync(Array.singleton symbol, TimeFrame.Minute, Nullable 20).Result
        let bars = barSet.[symbol]
        let avg = bars.Average(fun item -> item.Close)
        let currentPrice = bars.Last().Close
        let diff = avg - currentPrice
        if diff <= 0m then
            // Above the 20 minute average - exit any existing long position.
            if (positionQuantity > 0) then
                Console.WriteLine("Setting position to zero.");
                submitOrder(int positionQuantity, currentPrice, OrderSide.Sell);
                Console.WriteLine("No position to exit.");
            // Allocate a percent of our portfolio to this position.
            let portfolioShare = diff / currentPrice * scale;
            let targetPositionValue = portfolioValue * portfolioShare;
            let mutable amountToAdd = targetPositionValue - positionValue;

            if (amountToAdd > 0m) then
                // Buy as many shares as we can without going over amountToAdd.

                // Make sure we're not trying to buy more than we can.
                if amountToAdd > buyingPower then
                    amountToAdd <- buyingPower
                let qtyToBuy = int (amountToAdd / currentPrice)

                submitOrder(int qtyToBuy, currentPrice, OrderSide.Buy)
                // Sell as many shares as we can without going under amountToAdd.

                // Make sure we're not trying to sell more than we have.
                amountToAdd <- amountToAdd * -1m
                let mutable qtyToSell = int (amountToAdd / currentPrice)
                if qtyToSell > positionQuantity then
                    qtyToSell <- positionQuantity

                submitOrder(int qtyToSell, currentPrice, OrderSide.Sell)

        // Wait another minute.
        timeUntilClose <- closingTime - DateTime.Now;

    Console.WriteLine("Market nearing close; closing position.");

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type RestClient isn't found. what package or namespace should it be in?

I'm having the same issue.

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type RestClient isn't found. what package or namespace should it be in?

I'm having the same issue.

It was an older version try 3.0.3

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