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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Binding on unfoldr
module Data.Unfold where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Prelude hiding (foldl, foldr, repeat)
-- This is a useful abstraction that I haven't found on Hackage, but that
-- doesn't mean it's not there by some other name.
-- | The 'Unfold' constructor just binds the arguments to 'unfoldr'. Now we
-- can do any kind of fold without allocating intermediate data. This is
-- like stream fusion for lists, but unlike lists, it won't let you do
-- anything that doesn't fuse! I've been looking at this as a replacement
-- for lists-as-control-structures in tight places where I don't want to
-- trust inlining and rewrite rules to get fusion.
data Unfold b a = Unfold (b -> Maybe (a, b)) b
instance Foldable (Unfold a) where
foldr f acc (Unfold unfold start) =
fromMaybe acc $ do
(x, next) <- unfold start
return $ f x $ foldr f acc $ Unfold unfold next
foldl f acc (Unfold unfold start) =
fromMaybe acc $ do
(x, next) <- unfold start
return $ foldl f (f acc x) $ Unfold unfold next
instance Functor (Unfold a) where
fmap f (Unfold unfold start) =
Unfold (fmap (\(a, b) -> (f a, b)) . unfold) start
repeat :: a -> Unfold b a
repeat x = Unfold (\y -> Just (x, y)) undefined
instance Applicative (Unfold b) where
pure = repeat
(Unfold unfoldB _) <*> (Unfold unfoldA start) = Unfold unfoldC start
unfoldC next = do
(a, next') <- unfoldA next
(f, next'') <- unfoldB next'
return (f a, next'')
iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> Unfold a a
iterate f = Unfold (\next -> let x = f next in Just (x, x))
replicate :: Int -> a -> Unfold Int a
replicate n x =
Unfold (\next -> if next < n then Just (x, pred next) else Nothing) 0
unfoldr :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> Unfold b a
unfoldr = Unfold
scanr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Unfold c a -> Unfold (c, b) b
scanr f startB (Unfold unfoldC startC) = Unfold unfoldCB (startC, startB)
unfoldCB (c, b) =
fmap (\(a, c') -> let b' = f a b in (b', (c', b'))) (unfoldC c)
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