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Created December 14, 2023 00:13
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A batch unsampler node for ComfyUI
import torch
import comfy.model_management
import comfy.sample
import logging as logger
class BatchUnsampler:
return {"required":
{"model": ("MODEL",),
"steps": ("INT", {"default": 20, "min": 1, "max": 10000}),
"end_at_step": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 10000}),
"step_increment": ("INT", {"default": 1, "min": 1, "max": 10000}),
"cfg": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 100.0}),
"sampler_name": (comfy.samplers.KSampler.SAMPLERS, ),
"scheduler": (comfy.samplers.KSampler.SCHEDULERS, ),
"normalize": (["disable", "enable"], ),
"positive": ("CONDITIONING", ),
"negative": ("CONDITIONING", ),
"latent_image": ("LATENT", ),
RETURN_NAMES = ("latent_batch",)
FUNCTION = "batch_unsampler"
CATEGORY = "tests"
def batch_unsampler(self, model, cfg, sampler_name, steps, end_at_step, step_increment, scheduler, normalize, positive, negative, latent_image):
normalize = normalize == "enable"
device = comfy.model_management.get_torch_device()
latent = latent_image
latent_image = latent["samples"]
batch_of_latents = []
end_at_step = min(end_at_step, steps-1)
end_at_step = steps - end_at_step
noise = torch.zeros(latent_image.size(), dtype=latent_image.dtype, layout=latent_image.layout, device="cpu")
noise_mask = None
if "noise_mask" in latent:
noise_mask = comfy.sample.prepare_mask(latent["noise_mask"], noise, device)
real_model = None
real_model = model.model
noise =
latent_image =
positive = comfy.sample.convert_cond(positive)
negative = comfy.sample.convert_cond(negative)
models, inference_memory = comfy.sample.get_additional_models(positive, negative, model.model_dtype())
comfy.model_management.load_models_gpu([model] + models, model.memory_required(noise.shape) + inference_memory)
sampler = comfy.samplers.KSampler(real_model, steps=steps, device=device, sampler=sampler_name, scheduler=scheduler, denoise=1.0, model_options=model.model_options)
# Flip the sigmas (the sampling schedule) in reverse so that the sampler
# will instead "unsample" the latent, adding noise rather than
# removing noise.
sigmas = sigmas = sampler.sigmas.flip(0) + 0.0001
pbar = comfy.utils.ProgressBar(steps)
# We define a callback that receives the intermediate latents from
# each step of "unsampling" and appends these to the latent batch
# that we will return at the output of this node.
def callback(step, x0, x, total_steps):
pbar.update_absolute(step + 1, total_steps)
# Here, we call the sampler, sampling all the steps asked for,
# calling the callback function along the way. Note that some
# samplers do not seem to call the callback at all, resulting
# in no output.
samples = sampler.sample(noise, positive, negative, cfg=cfg, latent_image=latent_image, force_full_denoise=False, denoise_mask=noise_mask, sigmas=sigmas, start_step=0, last_step=end_at_step, callback=callback)
if normalize:
#technically doesn't normalize because unsampling is not guaranteed to end at a std given by the schedule
samples -= samples.mean()
samples /= samples.std()
if len(batch_of_latents) > 0:
# Concatenate the latents into a batch and do it the Comfy
# way by jamming the batch into a dictionary as "samples".
batch_of_latents =
batch_of_latents = {'samples': batch_of_latents}
# If no latents were unsampled then just return the
# input latent.
logger.warning("BatchUnsampler: No latents were produced.")
batch_of_latents = latent_image
return (batch_of_latents,)
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