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Created April 12, 2022 23:14
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Use FZF and Ripgrep to find notes and open it in CotEditor
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# 1. Search for text in files using Ripgrep
# 2. Interactively restart Ripgrep with reload action
# 3. Open the file in Vim
RG_PREFIX="rg --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case "
IFS=: read -ra selected < <(
fzf --ansi \
--color "hl:-1:underline,hl+:-1:underline:reverse" \
--disabled --query "$INITIAL_QUERY" \
--bind "change:reload:sleep 0.1; $RG_PREFIX {q} || true" \
--bind "ctrl-s:unbind(change,alt-enter)+change-prompt(2. fzf> )+enable-search+clear-query" \
--prompt '1. ripgrep> ' \
--delimiter : \
--preview 'bat --color=always {1} --highlight-line {2}' \
--preview-window 'up,60%,border-bottom,+{2}+3/3,~3'
[ -n "${selected[0]}" ] && cot -l "${selected[1]}" -c "${selected[2]}" "${selected[0]}"
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