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Last active July 31, 2020 19:00
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
### Linux utilites ###
echo "List of essential Linux utilites"
BASIC="man ls cd pwd grep head tail cut cat uniq sort wc tar less file ln rm"
BASIC+=" cp mkdir find xargs test time uname chmod chown groups locate basename"
BASIC+=" touch top"
LEARNER="whatis whereis which"
PROGRAMMER="git ctags diff patch"
ADVANCE="sed awk"
NETWORK="ip ss iptables ngrep dig host whois ping traceroute curl wget telnet nc"
SYSADMIN="su sudo ps kill ssh scp tmux screen nohup df du fdisk ar gdb"
SYSADMIN+=" strace ulimit useradd crontab logger md5sum xxd yes iostat"
CRYPTO="openssl shasum base64 gpg"
echo "TOTAL: $(echo $ALL_UTILS | wc -w)"
for util in $ALL_UTILS
whatis $util
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