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Last active July 7, 2017 03:49
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Sublime personal Keybinding settings to support Emacs Pro keybindings
// Utilities
{ "keys": ["ctrl+u"], "command": "show_overlay", "args": {"overlay": "goto", "show_files": true} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+\\"], "command": "toggle_side_bar" },
// Search panel
{ "keys": ["ctrl+s"], "command": "show_panel", "args": {"panel": "find", "reverse": false} },
{ "keys": ["alt+c"], "command": "toggle_case_sensitive", "context":
{ "key": "setting.is_widget", "operator": "equal", "operand": true }
{ "keys": ["alt+r"], "command": "toggle_regex", "context":
{ "key": "setting.is_widget", "operator": "equal", "operand": true }
{ "keys": ["alt+w"], "command": "toggle_whole_word", "context":
{ "key": "setting.is_widget", "operator": "equal", "operand": true }
{ "keys": ["alt+a"], "command": "toggle_preserve_case", "context":
{ "key": "setting.is_widget", "operator": "equal", "operand": true }
// Text area
{ "keys": ["ctrl+m"], "command": "insert", "args": {"characters": "\n"} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+e"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "eol", "extend": false} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+["], "command": "fold" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+]"], "command": "unfold" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+["], "command": "fold_by_level", "args": {"level": 1} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+]"], "command": "unfold_all" },
// Mark
{ "keys": ["ctrl+space"], "command": "set_mark" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+i"], "command": "select_to_mark" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+w"], "command": "delete_to_mark" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+y"], "command": "yank" },
{ "keys": ["alt+w"], "command": "sbp_kill_region", "args": {"is_copy": true}, "context": [ {"key": "sbp_use_alt_bindings"}]},
// Emmet
{"keys": ["tab"], "command": "expand_abbreviation_by_tab", "context":
{ "operand": "source.js", "operator": "equal", "match_all": true, "key": "selector" },
{ "match_all": true, "key": "selection_empty" },
{ "operator": "equal", "operand": false, "match_all": true, "key": "has_next_field" },
{ "operand": false, "operator": "equal", "match_all": true, "key": "auto_complete_visible" },
{ "match_all": true, "key": "is_abbreviation" }
// Workspace
{ "keys": ["ctrl+tab"], "command": "next_view" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+tab"], "command": "prev_view" },
{ "keys": ["alt+m"], "command": "markdown_preview", "args": {"target": "browser", "parser": "markdown"} }
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