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Forked from initFabian/RoutersProtocol.swift
Created February 24, 2017 16:05
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Complete basic router version of RoutesProtocol.swift that contains all the code along with comments.
// RoutesProtocol.swift
// RoutableApp
// Created by Fabian Buentello on 11/29/16.
// Copyright © 2016 ChaiOne. All rights reserved.
import Alamofire
/// Protocol that allows us to implement a base URL for our application
protocol URLRouter {
static var basePath: String { get }
/// These are routes throughout the application.
/// Typically this is conformed to by methods routes.
protocol Routable {
typealias Parameters = [String : Any]
var route: String {get set}
/// Allows a route to perform the `.get` method
protocol Readable: Routable {}
/// Allows a route to perform the `.post` method
protocol Creatable: Routable {}
/// Allows a route to perform the `.put` method
protocol Updatable: Routable {}
/// Allows a route to perform the `.delete` method
protocol Deletable: Routable {}
extension Routable {
/// Create instance of Object that conforms to Routable
init() {
extension Readable where Self: Routable {
/// Method that allows route to return an object
/// - Parameter params: Parameters of the object that is being returned
/// - Returns: `URLRequestConvertible` object to play nicely with Alamofire
/// ````
/// Router.User.get(params: "2")
static func get(params: String) -> RequestConverter {
let temp = Self.init()
let route = "\(temp.route)/\(params)"
return RequestConverter(method: .get, route: route)
extension Creatable where Self: Routable {
/// Method that allows route to create an object
/// - Parameter parameters: Dictionary of objects that will be used to create object
/// - Returns: `URLRequestConvertible` object to play nicely with Alamofire
/// ````
/// Router.User.create(parameters: ["username":"initFabian", "github":""])
static func create(parameters: Parameters) -> RequestConverter {
let temp = Self.init()
let route = "\(temp.route)"
return RequestConverter(method: .post, route: route, parameters: parameters)
extension Updatable where Self: Routable {
/// Method that allows route to update an object
/// - Parameter parameters: Dictionary of objects that will be used to create object
/// - Returns: `URLRequestConvertible` object to play nicely with Alamofire
/// ````
/// Router.User.update(params: "2", parameters: ["twitterURL":""])
static func update(params: String, parameters: Parameters) -> RequestConverter {
let temp = Self.init()
let route = "\(temp.route)/\(params)"
return RequestConverter(method: .put, route: route, parameters: parameters)
extension Deletable where Self: Routable {
/// Method that allows route to delete an object
/// - Parameter params: Parameters of the object that is being deleted
/// - Returns: `URLRequestConvertible` object to play nicely with Alamofire
/// ````
/// Router.User.delete(params: "2")
static func delete(params: String) -> RequestConverter {
let temp = Self.init()
let route = "\(temp.route)/\(params)"
return RequestConverter(method: .delete, route: route)
/// Protocol that conforms to URLRequestConvertible to all Alamofire integration
protocol RequestConverterProtocol: URLRequestConvertible {
var method: HTTPMethod {get set}
var route: String {get set}
var parameters: Parameters {get set}
/// Converter object that will allow us to play nicely with Alamofire
struct RequestConverter: RequestConverterProtocol {
var method: HTTPMethod
var route: String
var parameters: Parameters = [:]
/// Create a RequestConverter object
/// - Parameters:
/// - method: Method to perform on router. Example: `.get`, `.post`, etc.
/// - route: Route endpoint on url.
/// - parameters: Optional dictionary to pass in objects. Used for `.post` and `.put`
init(method: HTTPMethod, route: String, parameters: Parameters = [:]) {
self.method = method
self.route = route
self.parameters = parameters
/// Required method to conform to the `URLRequestConvertible` protocol.
/// - Returns: URLRequest object
/// - Throws: An `Error` if the underlying `URLRequest` is `nil`.
func asURLRequest() throws -> URLRequest {
let url = try Router.basePath.asURL()
let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url.appendingPathComponent(route))
return try URLEncoding.default.encode(urlRequest, with: parameters)
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