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Last active July 19, 2021 07:46
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VS Code PHP snippet insert namespace, class, constructor
"Insert namespace": {
"prefix": "name",
"body": ["namespace $1${TM_DIRECTORY/[\\/]/\\\\/g};", "$2"]
"Construct": {
"prefix": "cons",
"body": ["${1:public} function __construct()", "{$2\n}$0"]
"Class": {
"prefix": "cl",
"body": [
"class ${TM_FILENAME/\\.php$//} ${2:extends ${3:AnotherClass}} ${4:implements ${5:SomeInterface}}",
"\t// $0",
"Magento error_log": {
"prefix": "mage_err",
"body": [
"error_log(time() . ' - ' . print_r(${1:yourVariable}, true) . PHP_EOL, 3, BP . '${2:/var/log/dev.debug.log}');"
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