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  • Save tuantmb/917cd81dd669f34f2391a7f0310fd069 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tuantmb/917cd81dd669f34f2391a7f0310fd069 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
let MaxAge = ago(7d);
let SHA256_whitelist = pack_array(
'hhh' // SHA256 that you want to whitelist.
let abuse_ch = (externaldata(sha256_hash: string,signature:string ,vtpercent:string )
with (format="txt"))
| where sha256_hash !startswith "#"
| project sha256_hash,signature,vtpercent;
| join (DeviceFileEvents
| where Timestamp > MaxAge
) on $left.sha256_hash == $right.SHA256
| project Timestamp,FileName,InitiatingProcessAccountUpn,InitiatingProcessCommandLine,SHA256,signature,vtpercent
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