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Last active June 2, 2023 22:23
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FTX temperature sensor and relay control
At home I have a dumb Östberg Heru 75 with no smartness what so ever, it is also a bit unclear how efficient the system really is. How much heat that can be recycled.
The components (other than the tools, 3D printed box for the electronics etc)
1x NodeMCU (I use a LUA board), can be found on all tinker shops and all big online retail stores such as ali, banggood, amazon and ebay as well as locally sourced supplers (prefered!)
4x Dallas temperature sensors DS18B20 "waterproofed with metal sleeve". Souced from same as the NodeMCU
1x relay board, souced from the same as the NodeMCU
Some cables
For the project installation of the software
- Install esphome (addon store in Home Assistant)
- Create a new node and enter all information about your wifi network as well as the hardware you use - click create.
- Edit the node in esphome - insert the code below
- Save and check config
- Push the three dots right next to your node and select "compile"
- Once finished compiling push download bin file
For the hardware:
- Connect everything together, I use the D5 pin as well as +3.3 V and GND.
- Connect your nodemcu via a micro usb cable to your computer and use "esphome flasher", select the comport and the binfile and hit "flash"
- Check the logs for the different sensor IDs
- Edit the node in esphome again uncomment the sensor part and paste in the IDs detected from the log file at the appropiate places in the code
- Save and "update" (now flashed directly over the air)
- All set!
In Home Assistant
- The new esphome node should now be visible, autodetected integration - add it.
For lovelace and the UI.
- Google FTX system, select picture - pick a picture that suits you (I take no responsibilty for any copyright violations here)
- Google "rotating fan gif" and select and download the pictures and gifs (I take no responsibilty for any copyright violations here)
- Place all images in the /config/www folder on your home assistant instance.
- In Home Assistant Lovelace, add a picture elements card and paste in the lovelace code example below
### ESPHOME yaml code ###
name: ftx01
platform: ESP8266
board: nodemcuv2
ssid: "mywifi"
password: "secret"
ssid: "ftx01 Fallback Hotspot"
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
port: 80
pin: D5
update_interval: 10s
- platform: dallas
address: 0x800416637198FF28
name: "FTX in"
- platform: dallas
address: 0xB2041662C064FF28
name: "FTX ut"
- platform: dallas
address: 0x8204166372CCFF28
name: "FTX retur"
- platform: dallas
address: 0x0D031663C61DFF28
name: "FTX cirkulation"
#[16:25:21][D][dallas.sensor:079]: Found sensors:
#[16:25:21][D][dallas.sensor:082]: 0x800416637198FF28
#[16:25:21][D][dallas.sensor:082]: 0xB2041662C064FF28
#[16:25:21][D][dallas.sensor:082]: 0x8204166372CCFF28
#[16:25:21][D][dallas.sensor:082]: 0x0D031663C61DFF28
- platform: gpio
name: "Brytare - FTX rotor"
pin: D6
id: relay
restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON
#### Home Assistant Package file (config/packages/ftx.yaml) ####
- platform: generic_thermostat
name: "ftx"
heater: switch.brytare_ftx_rotor
# ac_mode: 'true'
target_sensor: sensor.ftx_retur
target_temp: 22.5
# cold_tolerance: 0.3
# hot_tolerance: 0
minutes: 60
# keep_alive:
# minutes: 60
# initial_hvac_mode: "heat"
# away_temp: 16
# precision: 1.0
### This is how you calculate efficiancy of the FTX syste
# Verkningsgrad = ((t2- t3)/( t1- t3))*100
# t1=Frånluftstemperatur innan VVX (oC).
# t2=Tilluftstemperatur efter VVX (oC).
# t3=Intagsluft (uteluft) innan VVX (oC).
- platform: template
value_template: "{{ ((states.sensor.ftx_cirkulation.state|float - states.sensor.ftx_in.state|float) / (states.sensor.ftx_retur.state|float - states.sensor.ftx_in.state|float) * 100) |round(2) }}"
unit_of_measurement: '%'
- id: 'rotorindikator_ftx_on'
alias: Rotorindikator ftx on
initial_state: 'on'
- entity_id: switch.brytare_ftx_rotor
platform: state
to: 'on'
condition: []
- data:
entity_id: light.vardagsrum_esp_led
brightness_pct: 25
color_name: red
service: light.turn_on
- id: 'rotorindikator_ftx_off'
alias: Rotorindikator ftx off
initial_state: 'on'
- entity_id: switch.brytare_ftx_rotor
platform: state
to: 'off'
condition: []
- data:
entity_id: light.vardagsrum_esp_led
brightness_pct: 25
color_name: blue
service: light.turn_on
#### Lovelace picture-elements card code example ####
type: picture-elements
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.ftx_ut
font-size: 1.4vmax
left: 26%
top: 14%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.ftx_in
font-size: 1.4vmax
left: 75%
top: 14%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.ftx_cirkulation
font-size: 1.4vmax
left: 31%
top: 56%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.ftx_retur
font-size: 1.4vmax
left: 69%
top: 56%
- entity: switch.brytare_ftx_rotor
image: /local/stopped-fan.png
'on': /local/spinning-fan.gif
left: 50%
top: 38.6%
width: 10%
action: call-service
service: switch.toggle
entity_id: switch.brytare_ftx_rotor
type: image
image: /local/ftx.png
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And well, the physical installation is done by drilling holes in the alu. pipe, insert the sensors and seal it all using silicone.
Then run the cables to a plastic box and connect it all together.

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I take NO RESPONSIBILITY if you damage your FTX, your self or any property. To use the switch on the recycling drum you need to tinker with high voltage (mains).

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