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Last active March 12, 2019 15:42
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import React, {Component} from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import {connect} from 'react-redux';
import VisibilitySensor from 'react-visibility-sensor';
import {logExperiment} from '@homeaway/abacus-client-utils';
const style = {
minHeight: '1px',
marginTop: '-1px',
display: 'block'
const mapStateToProps = ({abacus}) => ({
experiments: abacus
class AbacusExperiment extends Component {
/** Shared across component instances */
static exposedExperiments = [];
static propTypes = {
/** Experiment name */
name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
/** Abacus experiments from Redux */
experiments: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
/** Whether to wrap the rendered code inside a VisibilitySensor instance */
checkVisibility: PropTypes.bool,
/** Nodes to render when experiment value is 0 */
control: PropTypes.node,
/** Nodes to render when experiment value is 1 */
variant: PropTypes.node,
static defaultProps = {
checkVisibility: true,
control: null,
variant: null
getExperimentValue() {
const {name, experiments} = this.props;
return typeof experiments[name] === 'object'
? experiments[name].value
: -1;
handleVisibility = (experimentName) => (isVisible) => {
if (isVisible && !this.constructor.exposedExperiments.includes(experimentName)) {
wrapWithVisibilitySensor(nodes) {
const {name, minTopValue} = this.props;
return (
{nodes && <div style={{minHeight: '1px'}}>{nodes}</div> || <s style={style} />}
renderControlOrVariant(experimentValue) {
const {control, variant} = this.props;
switch (experimentValue) {
case 0:
return control instanceof Function ? control() : control;
case 1:
return variant instanceof Function ? variant() : variant;
return null;
renderChildren(experimentValue) {
const {children} = this.props;
return children instanceof Function ? children(experimentValue) : children;
render() {
const {checkVisibility, control, variant} = this.props;
const experimentValue = this.getExperimentValue();
const nodes = control && variant
? this.renderControlOrVariant(experimentValue)
: this.renderChildren(experimentValue);
return checkVisibility === true
? this.wrapWithVisibilitySensor(nodes)
: nodes;
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(AbacusExperiment);
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