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Created February 10, 2010 21:41
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public class NHibernateHelper
private static string _databaseConnectionString;
private static string DatabaseConnectionString
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_databaseConnectionString))
_databaseConnectionString = ConfigurationUtil.GetDeploymentValue("ConnectionStringProfile");
return _databaseConnectionString;
private static string _databaseProvider;
private static string DatabaseProvider
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_databaseProvider))
_databaseProvider = ConfigurationUtil.GetDeploymentValue("databaseProvider");
return _databaseProvider;
private static Configuration Config;
#region NHibernate Session Factory
private static ISessionFactory _factorySession;
private static ISessionFactory FactorySession
if (_factorySession == null)
_factorySession = CreateSessionFactory();
return _factorySession;
public static ISessionFactory CreateSessionFactory()
if(DatabaseProvider.ToUpper() == "SQLSERVER")
Assembly mappingsAssemly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
return Fluently.Configure()
m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<NHibernateHelper>())
.ExposeConfiguration(cfg =>
cfg.SetProperty("default-cascade", "none");
else if (DatabaseProvider.ToUpper() == "SQLITE")
return Fluently.Configure()
m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<NHibernateHelper>()
.ExposeConfiguration(cfg =>
cfg.SetProperty("default-cascade", "none");
Config = cfg;
throw new ArgumentException("Database provider invalid. SqlServer or SqLite");
#region NHibernate Session
private static ISession _session;
public static ISession CreateSession()
//When running tests I don´t have the HttpContext
//but I need to return de ISession anyway
if (HttpContext.Current == null)
_session = FactorySession.OpenSession();
//If using Sqlite then I need to create the schema
if( DatabaseProvider.ToUpper().Equals("SQLITE"))
var schema = new SchemaExport(Config);
schema.Execute(false, true, false, _session.Connection, null);
if (HttpContext.Current.Items["Session"] != null)
_session = (ISession)HttpContext.Current.Items["Session"];
_session = FactorySession.OpenSession();
HttpContext.Current.Items["Session"] = _session;
return _session;
public static void BeginTransaction()
public static void CommitTransaction()
public static void RollBackTransaction()
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