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Last active November 10, 2019 22:25
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public class NumberView extends View {
private final Interpolator mInterpolator;
private final Paint mPaint;
private final Path mPath;
// Numbers currently shown.
private int mCurrent = 0;
private int mNext = 1;
// Frame of transition between current and next frames.
private int mFrame = 0;
// The 5 end points. (Note: The last end point is the first end point of the next segment.
private final float[][][] mPoints = {
{{44.5f, 100}, {100, 18}, {156, 100}, {100, 180}, {44.5f, 100}}, // 0
... and for the other numbers.
// The set of the "first" control points of each segment.
private final float[][][] mControlPoint1 = { ... };
// The set of the "second" control points of each segment.
private final float[][][] mControlPoint2 = { ... };
public NumberView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
mInterpolator = new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator();
// A new paint with the style as stroke.
mPaint = new Paint();
mPath = new Path();
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// Frames 0, 1 is the first pause.
// Frames 9, 10 is the last pause.
// Constrain current frame to be between 0 and 6.
final int currentFrame;
if (mFrame < 2) {
currentFrame = 0;
} else if (mFrame > 8) {
currentFrame = 6;
} else {
currentFrame = mFrame - 2;
// A factor of the difference between current
// and next frame based on interpolation.
// Only 6 frames are used between the transition.
final float factor = mInterpolator.getInterpolation(currentFrame / 6.0f);
// Reset the path.
final float[][] current = mPoints[mCurrent];
final float[][] next = mPoints[mNext];
final float[][] curr1 = mControlPoint1[mCurrent];
final float[][] next1 = mControlPoint1[mNext];
final float[][] curr2 = mControlPoint2[mCurrent];
final float[][] next2 = mControlPoint2[mNext];
// First point.
mPath.moveTo(current[0][0] + ((next[0][0] - current[0][0]) * factor),
current[0][1] + ((next[0][1] - current[0][1]) * factor));
// Rest of the points connected as bezier curve.
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
mPath.cubicTo(curr1[i-1][0] + ((next1[i-1][0] - curr1[i-1][0]) * factor),
curr1[i-1][1] + ((next1[i-1][1] - curr1[i-1][1]) * factor),
curr2[i-1][0] + ((next2[i-1][0] - curr2[i-1][0]) * factor),
curr2[i-1][1] + ((next2[i-1][1] - curr2[i-1][1]) * factor),
current[i][0] + ((next[i][0] - current[i][0]) * factor),
current[i][1] + ((next[i][1] - current[i][1]) * factor));
// Draw the path.
canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);
// Next frame.
// Each number change has 10 frames. Reset.
if (mFrame == 10) {
// Reset to zarro.
mFrame = 0;
mCurrent = mNext;
// Reset to zarro.
if (mNext == 10) {
mNext = 0;
// Callback for the next frame.
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