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Created April 15, 2024 08:15
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@conform with zod and zenstack
// schema
import { z } from 'zod'
// structure for a blog post
export const postCreateSchema = z.object({
title: z
.string({ required_error: 'Title is required' })
.min(10, 'Title is too short'),
body: z
.string({ required_error: 'Body is required' })
.min(10, 'Message is too short')
.max(15, 'Message is too long'),
export const postUpdateSchema = postCreateSchema.merge(
id: z.string(),
// route handler
import {
} from '@conform-to/react'
import { getZodConstraint, parseWithZod } from '@conform-to/zod'
import {
type ActionFunctionArgs,
} from '@remix-run/node'
import { Form, useActionData, useLoaderData } from '@remix-run/react'
import { getUserId } from '~/services/auth.server'
import { createPost, getPost, updatePost } from '~/services/post/post.server'
import { postCreateSchema, postUpdateSchema } from '~/services/post/post'
import { PrismaClientKnownRequestError } from '@prisma/client/runtime/library'
export async function loader(args: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
const userId = await getUserId(args)
if (userId === 'GUEST') {
const { request } = args
const url = new URL(request.url)
const redirectUrl = `/sign-in?redirect_url=${encodeURIComponent(
url.pathname + '?cacheBust=' + new Date().getTime(),
console.log(`🚀 ~ loader ~ redirectUrl:`, redirectUrl)
return redirect(redirectUrl, { status: 302 })
const { postId } = args.params
if (!postId) {
return {
post: null,
const post = await getPost({ userId, id: postId })
const data = { userId, post, postId }
return json(data)
export async function action(args: ActionFunctionArgs) {
const { request } = args
const { postId } = args.params
const schema = postId ? postUpdateSchema : postCreateSchema
const userId = await getUserId(args)
const formData = await request.formData()
const submission = parseWithZod(formData, { schema })
if (submission.status !== 'success') {
return json(submission.reply())
try {
if (postId) {
await updatePost({ ...submission.value, userId, id: postId })
} else {
await createPost({ ...submission.value, userId })
return redirect('/zz')
} catch (error) {
let message = 'Failed to save. Please try again later.'
if (error instanceof PrismaClientKnownRequestError) {
message = (error.meta?.reason as string) || 'Database error'
console.log(`🚀 ~ action ~ error:`, error)
return json(
formErrors: [message],
export default function UpsertPost() {
const data = useLoaderData<typeof loader>()
const lastResult = useActionData<typeof action>()
let schema: typeof postCreateSchema | typeof postUpdateSchema =
if (!data.postId) {
schema = postCreateSchema
const [form, fields] = useForm({
defaultValue: || {},
constraint: getZodConstraint(schema),
shouldValidate: 'onBlur',
shouldRevalidate: 'onInput',
onValidate({ formData }) {
return parseWithZod(formData, { schema })
const labelProps = {
'block label text-secondary hover:text-accent-focus focus-within:text-primary font-bold mb-1 mt-2',
const errorProps = {
className: 'bg-error text-error-content mt-2 p-2 rounded-md block w-fit',
type fieldKeys = keyof typeof fields
const getErrorProps = (fieldName: fieldKeys) => {
return fields[fieldName].errors ? errorProps : {}
return (
<Form method="post" {...getFormProps(form)}>
{!data.postId ? null : (
<input {...getInputProps(fields?.id, { type: 'hidden' })} />
<label {...labelProps} htmlFor={}>
<input {...getInputProps(fields.title, { type: 'text' })} />
<div {...getErrorProps('title')} id={fields.title.errorId}>
<label {...labelProps} htmlFor={}>
className="textarea textarea-bordered bg-base-200 focus:outline-secondary-focus"
<div {...getErrorProps('body')} id={fields.body.errorId}>
<button className="btn btn-lg btn-secondary btn-block mt-4">Send</button>
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