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Created January 27, 2020 18:27
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import * as yup from 'yup';
const getPostSchema = (catIDs) => {
const schema = yup.object().shape({
title: yup.string()
content: yup.string()
cat_id: yup.number()
.required().oneOf(catIDs, 'Trebuie să selectaţi o categorie din listă'),
return schema
export default getPostSchema
const getValidationErrors = async (schema, values) => {
try {
await schema.validate(values, { abortEarly: false })
return false
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Yup ERRORS`); // => 'ValidationError'
// console.log(; // => 'ValidationError'
//console.log(err); // => [{ key: 'field_too_short', values: { min: 18 } }]
const errors = err.inner.reduce((acc, err) => {
const { path, message } = err
acc[path] = message
return acc
}, {})
return errors //if Object.keys(errors).length === 0 the data is valid
export { getValidationErrors }
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