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Created May 2, 2014 19:14
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Manipuate JaxoDraw2 xml files.
from xml.etree.ElementTree import *
from optparse import OptionParser
def get_xypoints(node):
xpoints = []
ypoints = []
for e in node.findall(".//void[@class='java.awt.Point'][@method='getField']"):
e_name = e.find("string")
if e_name is None or e_name.text not in ("x", "y"):
e_set = e.find("void[@method='set']")
if e_set is None:
e_int = e_set.find("int")
if e_int is None:
if e_name.text == "x":
return (tuple(xpoints), tuple(ypoints))
def process_file(filename, commands):
tree = parse(filename)
root = tree.getroot()
xmin = 999999
xmax = -999999
ymin = 999999
ymax = -999999
xypoints = get_xypoints(root)
for ex in xypoints[0]:
x = int(ex.text)
if xmin > x:
xmin = x
elif xmax < x:
xmax = x
for ey in xypoints[1]:
y = int(ey.text)
if ymin > y:
ymin = y
elif ymax < y:
ymax = y
if xmin <= xmax and ymin <= ymax:
for cmd in commands:
if cmd == "xflip":
for ex in xypoints[0]:
x = int(ex.text)
x = xmax - (x - xmin)
ex.text = str(x)
if cmd == "yflip":
for ey in xypoints[1]:
y = int(ey.text)
y = ymax - (y - ymin)
ey.text = str(y)
tree.write(filename, "UTF-8")
opt_parser = OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog [options] files...")
opt_parser.add_option("--xflip", action="append_const", const="xflip", dest="commands", help="flip horizontally")
opt_parser.add_option("--yflip", action="append_const", const="yflip", dest="commands", help="flip vertically")
(opts, args) = opt_parser.parse_args()
for f in args:
process_file(f, opts.commands)
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