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Created November 20, 2013 14:02
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Basic Model Class Generator
<#@ assembly name ="System.Data" #>
<#@ assembly name ="System.Xml" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Data" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Text" #>
class SQLClassGenerator
Dictionary<Type, string> _alias = new Dictionary<Type, string>();
Dictionary<SqlDbType, Type> _types = new Dictionary<SqlDbType, Type>();
Dictionary<string, Type> _stypes = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
public SQLClassGenerator()
_alias[typeof(string)] = "string";
_alias[typeof(long)] = "long";
_alias[typeof(char)] = "char";
_alias[typeof(byte)] = "byte";
_alias[typeof(int)] = "int";
_alias[typeof(bool)] = "bool";
_alias[typeof(decimal)] = "decimal";
_alias[typeof(double)] = "double";
_alias[typeof(short)] = "short";
_alias[typeof(ushort)] = "ushort";
_alias[typeof(ulong)] = "ulong";
_alias[typeof(uint)] = "uint";
_alias[typeof(byte[])] = "byte []";
_types[SqlDbType.BigInt] = typeof(long);
_types[SqlDbType.Binary] = typeof(byte[]);
_types[SqlDbType.Bit] = typeof(bool);
_types[SqlDbType.Char] = typeof(string);
_types[SqlDbType.Date] = typeof(DateTime);
_types[SqlDbType.DateTime] = typeof(DateTime);
_types[SqlDbType.DateTime2] = typeof(DateTime);
_types[SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset] = typeof(DateTime);
_types[SqlDbType.Decimal] = typeof(decimal);
_types[SqlDbType.Float] = typeof(double);
_types[SqlDbType.Binary] = typeof(byte[]);
_types[SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier] = typeof(Guid);
_types[SqlDbType.Int] = typeof(int);
_types[SqlDbType.Image] = typeof(byte[]);
_types[SqlDbType.Money] = typeof(decimal);
_types[SqlDbType.NChar] = typeof(string);
_types[SqlDbType.NText] = typeof(string);
_types[SqlDbType.NVarChar] = typeof(string);
_types[SqlDbType.Real] = typeof(float);
_types[SqlDbType.SmallDateTime] = typeof(DateTime);
_types[SqlDbType.SmallInt] = typeof(short);
_types[SqlDbType.TinyInt] = typeof(byte);
_types[SqlDbType.SmallMoney] = typeof(decimal);
_types[SqlDbType.Text] = typeof(string);
_types[SqlDbType.Time] = typeof(DateTime);
_types[SqlDbType.Timestamp] = typeof(byte[]);
_types[SqlDbType.VarBinary] = typeof(byte[]);
_types[SqlDbType.VarBinary] = typeof(byte[]);
_types[SqlDbType.VarChar] = typeof(string);
_types[SqlDbType.Variant] = typeof(object);
_types[SqlDbType.Xml] = typeof(string);
foreach (var k in _types)
_stypes[k.Key.ToString().ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)] = k.Value;
public string Generate(string strConn, Func<string, bool> filter)
var con = new SqlConnection(strConn);
string[] objArrRestrict;
DataTable schemaTbl;
schemaTbl = con.GetSchema("Tables", null);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (DataRow row in schemaTbl.Rows)
bool hasname = false;
var tablename = (string)row["TABLE_NAME"];
if (!filter(tablename)) continue;
objArrRestrict = new string[] { null, null, tablename, null };
var tbl = con.GetSchema("Columns",objArrRestrict);
foreach (DataRow colrow in tbl.Rows)
hasname |= (string)colrow["column_name"] == "adi";
// sb.AppendFormat(" [Table(Name=\"{0}\")]", tablename);
// sb.AppendLine();
sb.AppendFormat(" public partial class {0}", tablename,hasname ? "NamedEntity" : "Entity");
sb.AppendLine(" {");
foreach (DataRow colrow in tbl.Rows)
var cname = (string)colrow["column_name"];
// if (cname == "id" || cname == "adi") continue;
// if(cname == "time")
// sb.AppendLine(((SqlDbType)colrow["data_type"]).ToString());
Type stype = _stypes[(string)colrow["data_type"]];
string alias = stype.Name;
if (!_alias.TryGetValue(stype, out alias))
alias = stype.Name;
alias += ((string)colrow["is_nullable"]) == "YES" && !stype.IsClass ? "?" : "";
// sb.AppendFormat(" {0} _{1};", alias,cname);
// sb.AppendLine();
// sb.AppendFormat(" [Column(Name=\"{0}\",Storage=\"_{0}\")]", colrow["column_name"]);
sb.AppendFormat(" public {0} {1} {{ get; set;}}", alias, cname);
// sb.AppendFormat(" public {0} {1} {{ get {{ return _{1};}} set {{if(_{1} != value) {{ _{1} = value;OnPC(\"{1}\");}} }}}}", alias,cname);
// colrow.Field<string>("character_maximum_length");
sb.AppendLine(" }");
return sb.ToString();
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