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Forked from RichardSlater/MongoDB.ps1
Created April 23, 2014 12:15
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configuration MongoDB {
param (
[string[]]$ComputerName = $env:ComputerName
node $ComputerName {
File SetupFolder {
Type = 'Directory'
DestinationPath = "C:\setup"
Ensure = 'Present'
Script DownloadMongoBinaries
SetScript = {
Invoke-WebRequest '' -OutFile "C:\setup\"
TestScript = { Test-Path "C:\setup\" }
GetScript = { @{MongoBinariesDownloaded = $(Test-Path "C:\setup\") } }
DependsOn = '[File]SetupFolder'
Archive MongoBinaries {
Path = "C:\setup\"
Destination = "C:\setup"
Ensure = 'Present'
DependsOn = '[Script]DownloadMongoBinaries'
File MongoDBFolder {
Type = 'Directory'
Recurse = $true
DestinationPath = "C:\mongo"
SourcePath = "c:\setup\mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-2.4.9"
Ensure = 'Present'
DependsOn = '[Archive]MongoBinaries'
File MongoDataFolder {
Type = 'Directory'
DestinationPath = "C:\mongo\data"
Ensure = 'Present'
DependsOn = '[File]MongoDBFolder'
File MongoLogsFolder {
Type = 'Directory'
DestinationPath = "C:\mongo\logs"
Ensure = 'Present'
DependsOn = '[File]MongoDBFolder'
File MongoConfigFolder {
Type = 'Directory'
DestinationPath = "C:\mongo\config"
Ensure = 'Present'
DependsOn = '[File]MongoDBFolder'
Script MongoConfigurationFile
SetScript = {
$utf8WithoutBom = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($false);
$sw = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter('C:\mongo\config\mongod.cfg', $false, $utf8WithoutBom)
TestScript = { Test-Path 'C:\mongo\config\mongod.cfg' }
GetScript = { @{MongoConfigured = (Test-Path 'C:\mongo\config\mongod.cfg')} }
DependsOn = '[File]MongoConfigFolder'
Script MongoKeyFile
SetScript = {
$utf8WithoutBom = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($false);
$sw = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter('C:\mongo\config\keyfile.txt', $false, $utf8WithoutBom)
TestScript = { Test-Path 'C:\mongo\config\keyfile.txt' }
GetScript = { @{MongoConfigured = (Test-Path 'C:\mongo\config\keyfile.txt')} }
DependsOn = '[File]MongoConfigFolder'
Script InstallMongoService
SetScript = {
C:\mongo\bin\mongod.exe --config C:\mongo\config\mongod.cfg --install
TestScript = { (Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'MongoDB' }).Count -gt 0 }
GetScript = { @{MongoServiceInstalled = ((Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'MongoDB' }).Count -gt 0) } }
DependsOn = '[Script]MongoConfigurationFile','[script]MongoKeyFile'
Service ConfigureMongoService
Name = 'MongoDB'
StartupType = 'Automatic'
DependsOn = '[Script]InstallMongoService','[File]MongoLogsFolder','[File]MongoDataFolder'
Script ConfigureFirewall
SetScript = { New-NetFirewallRule -Name Allow_MongoDB -DisplayName 'Allow MongoDB' -Description 'Allow inbound MongoDB connections' -Direction Inbound -Program 'C:\mongo\bin\mongod.exe' -Action Allow }
TestScript = { (Get-NetFirewallRule | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Allow_MongoDB' }) -ne $null }
GetScript = { @{FirewallConfiguredForMongo = ((Get-NetFirewallRule | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Allow_MongoDB' }).Count -gt 0) } }
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