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Created February 27, 2020 14:32
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  • Save tugce/2586baf4784ec99088dce68b5a1eff41 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tugce/2586baf4784ec99088dce68b5a1eff41 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
public class CopadoADDDataLoader {
public static List<List<SObject>> allNewRecords;
public static void loadData(){
//prepare data for github call
String githubToken = '6121aa9eb9deb0c20a920d8fee7f238e6a5e7894';
String githubEndpoint = '';
String sha = '';
Http http = new Http();
//get master branch sha
HttpRequest shaRequest = new HttpRequest();
shaRequest.setEndpoint(githubEndpoint + '/git/ref/heads/master');
shaRequest.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
shaRequest.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + githubToken);
HttpResponse shaResponse = http.send(shaRequest);
System.debug('We have a response with status: ' + shaResponse.getStatus());
if(shaResponse.getStatus() != 'OK') return;
System.debug('Starting to parse the response and get the sha of master branch');
Map<String, Object> shaResultMap = ( Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(shaResponse.getBody());
if(shaResultMap.get('object') != null){
String objectJson = JSON.serialize(shaResultMap.get('object'));
Map<String, Object> objectMap = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(objectJson);
sha = objectMap.get('sha') != null ? String.valueOf(objectMap.get('sha')) : sha;
System.debug('sha of master branch: ' + sha);
//get all files
System.debug('Preparing to get all file names from CopadoTrails repo...');
HttpRequest fetchFilesRequest = new HttpRequest();
fetchFilesRequest.setEndpoint(githubEndpoint + '/git/trees/' + sha);
fetchFilesRequest.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
fetchFilesRequest.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + githubToken);
HttpResponse filesResponse = http.send(fetchFilesRequest);
System.debug('We have a response with status: ' + filesResponse.getStatus());
if(filesResponse.getStatus() != 'OK') return;
//get files starts with ADD_
System.debug('Starting to parse the response and get all the file names that starts with ADD_');
List<String> addFiles = new List<String>();
Map<String, Object> resultMap = ( Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(filesResponse.getBody());
if(resultMap.get('tree') != null){
List<Object> treeList = (List<Object>) resultMap.get('tree');
for(Object node : treeList){
String nodeJSON = JSON.serialize(node);
Map<String, Object> nodeObj = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(nodeJSON);
String pathValue = (String) nodeObj.get('path');
if(pathValue != null && pathValue.startsWith('ADD_')){
System.debug('We have all file names we need to import. Total template count: ' + addFiles.size());
//get file content
//NOTE: if there are more than 100 files this script will give limit exception
allNewRecords = new List<List<SObject>>();
for(String filePath : addFiles){
System.debug('Getting records for the template... ' + filePath);
HttpRequest fetchFileRequest = new HttpRequest();
fetchFileRequest.setEndpoint(githubEndpoint + '/contents/' + filePath);
fetchFileRequest.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
fetchFileRequest.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + githubToken);
HttpResponse fileResponse = http.send(fetchFileRequest);
System.debug('We have a response with status: ' + fileResponse.getStatus());
if(fileResponse.getStatus() != 'OK') return;
CopadoADDDataLoader.parseAndInsertData(filePath, fileResponse.getBody());
System.debug('Added records to the list for insert operation...');
for(List<SObject> records : allNewRecords){
System.debug('Inserting total number of records ' + records.size());
insert records;
System.debug('Data import completed...');
public static void parseAndInsertData(String filePath, String fileBody){
//parse file content
System.debug('Parsing file content...');
Map<String, Object> jsonResponse = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(fileBody);
String fileContent = EncodingUtil.base64Decode((String) jsonResponse.get('content')).toString();
if(String.isBlank(fileContent)) return;
//get the number of rows in the csv
List<String> rows = fileContent.split('\n');
System.debug('Getting the rows of template: ' + (rows.size()-1));
if(rows.size() < 2) return;
List<String> fieldNames = rows[0].split(',');
System.debug('Total field names to be mapped: ' + fieldNames.size());
//insert data
String objectName = filePath.substringBetween('_', '.csv').substringAfter('_');
System.debug('Preparing SObjects for object name: ' + objectName);
List<SObject> newRecords = new List<SObject>();
for(Integer i = 1 ; i < rows.size(); i++){
List<String> values = rows[i].split(',');
SObject newRecord = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objectName).newSObject();
Schema.SObjectType objectType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objectName);
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult objectDescribe = objectType.getDescribe() ;
Map<String,Schema.SObjectField> fields = objectDescribe.fields.getMap();
Integer j = 0;
for(String value : values){
value = value.trim().removeEnd('\n');
fieldNames[j] = fieldNames[j].trim().removeEnd('\n');
System.debug('field name: ' + fieldNames[j] + ' value ' + value);
System.debug('Reference field found with external id');
String referenceObjectName = fieldNames[j].split('\\.')[0];
Sobject relationObj = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(referenceObjectName).newSObject();
relationObj.put(fieldNames[j].split('\\.')[1], String.valueOf(value));
newRecord.putsObject(referenceObjectName, relationObj);
} else {
String fieldTypeName = fields.get(fieldNames[j]).getDescribe().getType().name().toLowerCase();
Object valueObject = (Object) value;
if (fieldTypeName == 'textarea' || fieldTypeName == 'picklist' || fieldTypeName == 'reference' || fieldTypeName == 'string') newRecord.put(fieldNames[j], String.valueOf(value));
if(fieldTypeName == 'boolean') newRecord.put(fieldNames[j], Boolean.valueOf(value));
if(fieldTypeName == 'blob') newRecord.put(fieldNames[j], (Blob) valueObject);
if(fieldTypeName == 'date') newRecord.put(fieldNames[j], Date.valueOf(value));
if(fieldTypeName == 'datetime') newRecord.put(fieldNames[j], Datetime.valueOf(value));
if(fieldTypeName == 'time') newRecord.put(fieldNames[j], (Time) valueObject);
if(fieldTypeName == 'integer') newRecord.put(fieldNames[j], Integer.valueOf(value));
if(fieldTypeName == 'long') newRecord.put(fieldNames[j], (Long) valueObject);
if(fieldTypeName == 'decimal') newRecord.put(fieldNames[j], (Decimal) valueObject);
if(fieldTypeName == 'double' || fieldTypeName == 'currency') newRecord.put(fieldNames[j], Double.valueOf(value));
if(j == fieldNames.size()) break;
j = 0;
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