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Last active June 4, 2022 15:42
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Calculate C.O.P. Mass flow rate per ton, Suction volume, Power of a Refrigerant
let t1 = 20; // celcius
let t2 = 45; // celcius
let sgt1 = 2.4167; // eg sg-5°C
let sgt2 = 2.4368;
let cpgt2 = 1.945;
let hgt1 = 613.8;
let hgt2 = 649.31;
let hft2 = 309.68;
let vgt1 = 0.18823;
let kt1 = 273 + t1; // kelvin
let kt2 = 273 + t2; // kelvin
console.log(`\nWhen,\nT1 = ${kt1} Kelvin\nT2 = ${kt2} kelvin`);
console.log(`S1 = S2\nAnd, S1 = Sg${t1}°C = ${sgt1}\nWe know,`);
console.log(`S1 = S2\nor, S1 = [S2' + cpg ln T2/T2']${t2}°C`);
console.log(`=> ${sgt1} = ${sgt2} + ${cpgt2} ln T2/${kt2}`);
let calulateT2 = (sgt1 - sgt2) / cpgt2;
calulateT2 = Math.exp(calulateT2);
calulateT2 = calulateT2 * kt2;
calulateT2 = calulateT2.toFixed(2);
console.log(`=> T2 = ${calulateT2} K\n`);
`Now h1 = hg${t1}°C = ${hgt1}\n=> h2 = h2' + cpg${t2}°c (T2 - T2')\n = ${hgt2} + ${cpgt2} (${calulateT2} - ${kt2})`
let calculateH2 = hgt2 + cpgt2 * (calulateT2 - kt2);
calculateH2 = calculateH2.toFixed(2);
console.log(` = ${calculateH2} kj/kg\n`);
console.log(`So, h3 = h4 = hf${t2}°C = ${hft2} kj/kg\n`);
`i. C.O.P. = (h1 - h4) / (h2 - h1) = (${hgt1} - ${hft2}) / (${calculateH2} - ${hgt1})`
let cop = (hgt1 - hft2) / (calculateH2 - hgt1);
console.log(`= ${cop.toFixed(2)}\n`);
`ii. Mass flow rate per ton,\nm = ${210} / R.E.\n= ${210} / (h1 - h4)`
let massflow = 210 / (hgt1 - hft2);
massflow = massflow.toFixed(2);
console.log(`= ${massflow} kg/min\n`);
console.log(`iii. Suction volume, mv1 = mvg${t1}°C = ${massflow} x ${vgt1}`);
let suctionvolume = massflow * vgt1;
suctionvolume = suctionvolume.toFixed(2);
console.log(`= ${suctionvolume} m³ / min\n`);
console.log(`iv. Power in kw/ton = m/60 x (h2 - h1)`);
let power = (massflow / 60) * (calculateH2 - hgt1);
power = power.toFixed(2);
console.log(`= ${power} kw`);
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