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Created October 17, 2015 18:21
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
import time
import smtplib
from smartencoding import smart_unicode, smart_unicode_with_replace
import splinter
from splinter import Browser
login = "your_login"
passwd = "your_pass"
my_email = "" # email of the sender
my_email_pass = "****" # pass of the sender
target_email = "" # email of the receiver
def getTagText(begin,end,text):
s = text.find(begin)
print "pos s:" + str(s)
e = text.find(end, s)
print "pos e:" + str(e)
return text[s+len(begin):e]
def obtener_lista_dinos(html) :
#bpos = html.find('<ul class="dinoList">')
#epos = html[bpos:].find(u'</ul>')
#print type(html)
st = getTagText(u'<ul class="dinoList">', u'</ul>', html) #html[bpos + len('<ul class="dinoList">') : epos]
#print st
#print "-----------------------------"
#print html[epos-5:epos+5]
lista = []
bpos = 0
ssp = 0
while bpos != -1 :
bpos = st.find('<a href="', ssp)
epos = st.find('">', bpos)
if bpos != -1 :
link = st[ bpos+len('<a href="') : epos]
lista.append( link )
ssp = epos + len('">')
return lista
# return the name and the experience of a dino
def getNameAndExp(html) :
html = smart_unicode_with_replace(html);
pos = html.find(u"<th>Siguiente</th>")
pos1 = html.find(u'<div class="value">', pos)
pos1 = pos1 + len(u"<div class='value'>")
pos2 = html.find(u"</div>", pos1)
exp = html[pos1:pos2-1]
pos1 = html.find(u"mayor es el riesgo de que ") + len(u"mayor es el riesgo de que ")
pos2 = html.find(u"sea atacado por otros Dinos")
name = html[pos1:pos2]
return (name, int(exp))
with Browser('firefox') as browser:
url = ""
browser.fill("login", login)
browser.fill("pass", passwd)
button = browser.find_by_value("Conectarse");
#pasarl = browser.find_link_by_partial_text("az click")
exp_list = []
email_msg = ""
lista_dinos = obtener_lista_dinos(browser.html)
#print lista_dinos
alguno = False # indica si despues del bucle aún queda algún dino por luchar
for i in xrange(len(lista_dinos)) :
lista_dinos = obtener_lista_dinos(browser.html)
link = lista_dinos[i]
# register exp
e = getNameAndExp(browser.html)
if e[1] >= 90 or e[0] in list_exceptions: continue
posi = browser.html.find(u"está muerto");
if(posi != -1) :
browser.click_link_by_partial_text(u"haz clic aquí")
browser.click_link_by_partial_text(u"Resucitar tu Dino")
alert = browser.get_alert()
posi = browser.html.find(u"img/icons/act_fight.gif")
if posi != -1 :
posi = browser.html.find(u"Informe del combate")
if posi == -1 :
posi = browser.html.find(u"Lanzar el combate!")
if posi != -1 :
browser.click_link_by_partial_text(u"Lanzar el combate!")
else :
lista_dinos = obtener_lista_dinos(browser.html)
link = lista_dinos[i]
posi = browser.html.find(u"Lanzar el combate!")
if posi != -1 :
browser.click_link_by_partial_text(u"Lanzar el combate!")
for e in exp_list :
if e[1] >= 90 :
email_msg += e[0] + " has " + str(e[1]) + " of exp.\n"
if email_msg != "":
from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['From'] = my_email
msg['To'] = target_email
msg['Subject'] = "Dinos about to rise level"
msg.attach(MIMEText(email_msg, 'plain'))
eserver = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
eserver.login(my_email, my_email_pass)
email_msg = msg.as_string()
eserver.sendmail(my_email, target_email, email_msg)
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