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Created September 25, 2017 00:04
DECnet-Linux FEDACH /etc/decnet.proxy configration file: See Detailed DECnet-Linux How-to at
# /etc/decnet.proxy
# DECnet proxy database.
# The format of this file is (one entry per line)
# node::remoteuser localuser
# Regular expressions are allowed for node and remote user. Remember these are
# POSIX regular expressions so use .* where you would use just * on VMS.
# Also it is IMPORTANT that whole names (node and user) are enclosed
# in anchors as below.
# The entries are checked in the order they appear in this file.
# * as a local user will be replaced by the remote username.
# # is a comment.
# Here are some examples (commented out of course):
# ^tramp$::^test$ chrissie # Explicitly convert 'test' on tramp to 'chrissie'
# ^zaphod$::.* none # Disable proxies from zaphod (assuming you don't have
# # a user called 'none')
# .*::.* decnet # Like a default DECnet account
# .*::.* * # Equivalent to VMS *::* * proxy (make this last
# # if you use it)
.*::.* decnet
.*::.* */DEFAULT
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