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Created June 5, 2013 11:15
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groovy script to generate a film strip
@Grab( 'commons-io:commons-io:2.1' )
// filename of video
def filename = this.args[0]
// base of filename
def basename = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(filename)
// width of final strip
def width = this.args.length > 1 ? this.args[1] : 640
// number of desired frames
def count = 8
// calculate the height assuming 16x9 video
def w = width / count
def h = Math.round(w * 9 / 16)
(1..count).each { c ->
"ffmpegthumbnailer -i ${filename} -o ${basename}_${c}.jpg -s ${w} -t ${((c-1) / count) * 100}%".execute().waitFor()
"convert +append ${basename}_*.jpg ${basename}.jpg".execute().waitFor()
"rm -f ${basename}_*".execute().waitFor()
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