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Last active July 11, 2020 07:37
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# UTXO checker for Bitcoin mainnet
function usage()
cat <<-EOF
usage: $(basename $0) tx_id index
commands='jq curl'
for c in $commands; do
hash $c || { echo "install $c"; exit 255; }
[ -n "$tx" ] || { usage; exit 255; }
[ -n "$index" ] || { usage; exit 255; }
result=$(curl -s "${api}/tx/$tx/outspends" | jq ".[${index}].spent")
[ "$result" = "null" ] && { echo 'invalid'; exit 255; }
value=$(curl -s "${api}/tx/$tx" | jq ".vout[${index}].value")
[ "$result" = "false" ] && { echo "$value unspent"; exit 0; }
[ "$result" = "true" ] && { echo "$value spent"; exit 1; }
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