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Created April 16, 2018 09:43
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Stochastic neighborhood embedding in R
# (c) Kari Lavikka 2018
mnist <- load_mnist()
sample_and_reduce_mnist <- function(n, dimensions = 50) {
sampled_indexes <- sample(train$n, n)
classes <- train$y[sampled_indexes]
mnist_subset <- train$x[sampled_indexes, ]
mnist_subset <- mnist_subset[, colSums(mnist_subset) != 0]
mnist_pca <- prcomp(mnist_subset, center = T, scale. = T)
digits = mnist_pca$x[, 1:dimensions],
classes = classes
reduced <- sample_and_reduce_mnist(1000, 50)
x <- reduced$digits
pairwise_distance <- function(x, i, j) ifelse(i == j, Inf, sum((x[i, ] - x[j, ])^2))
compute_probabilities <- function(x, perplexity) {
p <- 1 / (2 * perplexity^2)
function(i) {
dk <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(x)),
function(j) exp(-pairwise_distance(x, i, j) * p))
dk / sum(dk)
# Q = probabilities in induced space
# P = probabilities in original space
compute_loss <- function(Q) sum(ifelse(Q > 0, P * log(P / Q), 0))
# y = values in induced space
compute_gradient <- function(y, Q) {
n_seq <- seq_len(nrow(y))
2 * rowSums(sapply(n_seq,
function(j) (y[i, ] - y[j, ]) * (P[i, j] - Q[i, j] + P[j, i] - Q[j, i]))
# y = values in induced space
gradient_descent <- function(y, step_function) {
loss <- Inf
min_loss <- Inf
iters_since_last_min <- 0
rounds <- 0
best_y_so_far <- numeric()
losses <- numeric()
alphas <- numeric()
while (iters_since_last_min < 20 & rounds < 600) {
Q <- compute_probabilities(y, 0.5)
gradient <- compute_gradient(y, Q)
alpha <- step_function(loss)
alphas <- c(alphas, alpha)
y <- y - alpha * gradient
loss <- compute_loss(Q)
losses <- c(losses, loss)
if (loss < min_loss) {
min_loss <- loss
iters_since_last_min <- 0
best_y_so_far <- y
} else {
iters_since_last_min <- iters_since_last_min + 1
rounds <- rounds + 1
message("Round: ", rounds)
message("Loss: ", loss)
plot(y[, 1], y[, 2], col = reduced$classes + 1, pch = 19, cex = 0.7)
title(paste("Loss =", loss))
y = best_y_so_far,
losses = losses,
alphas = alphas
create_adaptive_schedule <- function(acceleration, penalty) {
step_size <- 0.5
previous_loss <- Inf
function(loss) {
step_size <<- step_size * ifelse(loss < previous_loss, acceleration, penalty)
previous_loss <<- loss
P <- compute_probabilities(reduced$digits, 3.5)
# Begin with randomized y
y <- matrix(rnorm(nrow(x) * 2, 0, 0.1), ncol = 2)
results <- gradient_descent(y, create_adaptive_schedule(1.02, 0.5))
# Plot the result
with(results, plot(x[, 1], x[, 2], col=reduced$classes + 1, pch = 19, cex = 0.7))
# Testing with t-SNE
tsne_result_30 <- Rtsne(x, perplexity = 30, pca = F, verbose = T)
plot(tsne_result_30$Y, col = reduced$classes + 1, pch = 19, cex = 0.8)
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tuner commented Apr 16, 2018 .. here's the script that loads the mnist data

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tuner commented Apr 16, 2018

And here is an example output from the script:


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