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Last active March 10, 2023 10:34
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Download chat from a Twitch VOD and print it to a terminal.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# A script to download chat from a Twitch VOD and print it to a terminal.
# Chat will be downloaded all the way until it ends.
# Usage: TWITCH_CLIENT_ID=0123456789abcdef0123456789abcde [video_id] [start]
# This script could break at any time, because Twitch's chat API is
# undocumented and likes to change at any time; in fact, this script was
# created because Twitch got rid of
import json
import os
import requests
import sys
import time
import types
def time_to_hhmmss(t):
hours = int(t // 3600)
minutes = int((t - hours * 3600) // 60)
seconds = int(t - hours * 3600 - minutes * 60)
milliseconds = int((t - hours * 3600 - minutes * 60 - seconds) * 1000)
return "{0}:{1:02}:{2:02}.{3:<03}".format(hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)
def lighten_color(color):
r = color.r * 3 // 4 + 63
g = color.g * 3 // 4 + 63
b = color.b * 3 // 4 + 63
return types.SimpleNamespace(r=r, g=g, b=b)
def message_color(comment):
color_by_name = {
'white': (255, 255, 255),
'black': (0, 0, 0),
'red': (255, 0, 0),
'green': (0, 255, 0),
'blue': (0, 0, 255),
'yellow': (255, 255, 0),
'gray': (128, 128, 128),
'magenta': (255, 0, 255),
'cyan': (0, 255, 255)
r = 128
g = 128
b = 128
if 'userColor' in comment['message'] and comment['message']['userColor']:
user_color = comment['message']['userColor']
if len(user_color) == 7 and user_color[0] == '#':
r = int(user_color[1:3], 16)
g = int(user_color[3:5], 16)
b = int(user_color[5:7], 16)
elif user_color in color_by_name:
c = color_by_name[user_color]
r = c[0]
g = c[1]
b = c[2]
return types.SimpleNamespace(r=r, g=g, b=b)
def badge_icons(message):
b = ''
if 'userBadges' in message:
for badge in message['userBadges']:
if badge['setID'] == 'broadcaster':
b += '🎥'
elif badge['setID'] == 'moderator':
b += '⚔'
elif badge['setID'] == 'subscriber':
b += '★'
elif badge['setID'] == 'staff':
b += '⛨'
return b
def simple_name(commenter):
if commenter == None:
return "(null)"
name = commenter['login']
display_name = commenter['displayName']
if display_name:
c = display_name[0].lower()
if (c >= 'a' and c <= 'z') or (c >= '0' and c <= '9') or c == '_':
name = display_name
return name
def format_message(comment):
time = comment['contentOffsetSeconds']
badges = badge_icons(comment['message'])
name = simple_name(comment['commenter'])
color = lighten_color(message_color(comment))
message = "".join([f['text'] for f in comment['message']['fragments']])
#if comment['message']['is_action']:
# message = '\033[38;2;' + str(color.r) + ';' + str(color.g) + ';' + str(color.b) + 'm' + message + '\033[0m'
nick = '\033[38;2;{c.r};{c.g};{c.b}m<{badges}{name}>\033[0m'.format(badges=badges, name=name, c=color)
if 'userBadges' in comment['message']:
is_broadcaster = False
for badge in comment['message']['userBadges']:
if badge['setID'] == 'broadcaster':
is_broadcaster = True
if is_broadcaster:
nick = '\033[7m' + nick
return "\033[94m{time}\033[0m {nick} {message}".format(time=time_to_hhmmss(time), nick=nick, message=message)
def print_response_messages(data, start):
for comment in data['comments']['edges']:
if comment['node']['contentOffsetSeconds'] < start:
if len(sys.argv) < 3 or 'TWITCH_CLIENT_ID' not in os.environ:
print('Usage: TWITCH_CLIENT_ID=[client_id] {0} [video_id] [start]'.format(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr)
video_id = sys.argv[1]
start = int(sys.argv[2])
session = requests.Session()
session.headers = { 'Client-ID': os.environ['TWITCH_CLIENT_ID'], 'content-type': 'application/json' }
response =
"[{\"operationName\":\"VideoCommentsByOffsetOrCursor\"," +
"\"variables\":{\"videoID\":\"" + video_id + "\",\"contentOffsetSeconds\":" + str(start) + "}," +
data = response.json()
print_response_messages(data[0]['data']['video'], start)
cursor = None
if data[0]['data']['video']['comments']['pageInfo']['hasNextPage']:
cursor = data[0]['data']['video']['comments']['edges'][-1]['cursor']
while cursor:
response =
"[{\"operationName\":\"VideoCommentsByOffsetOrCursor\"," +
"\"variables\":{\"videoID\":\"" + video_id + "\",\"cursor\":\"" + cursor + "\"}," +
data = response.json()
print_response_messages(data[0]['data']['video'], start)
if data[0]['data']['video']['comments']['pageInfo']['hasNextPage']:
cursor = data[0]['data']['video']['comments']['edges'][-1]['cursor']
cursor = None
Copy link

ghost commented Dec 7, 2022

"error": "Not Found",
"status": 404,
"message": "This API does not exist"

Looks like this is now broken

Copy link

tung commented Dec 16, 2022

Updated to use GraphQL instead of Twitch's dead v5 API endpoint.

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