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Last active April 25, 2023 23:42
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  • Save tunnckoCore/8a4b76f44db00e404cba2537c6b78b54 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tunnckoCore/8a4b76f44db00e404cba2537c6b78b54 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Solidity v0.8 lottery contract. In 150 lines. Called BurnLotto, because players deposit an ERC20 burnable tokens, and a winner is chosen randomly when round is finished - x% of deposited tokens are burned, the rest are transferred to the winner. Apache-2.0 licensed.

Burn Lotto

A Solidity v0.8 lottery contract. Called BurnLotto, because players deposit an ERC20 burnable tokens, and a winner is chosen randomly when round is finished - x% of deposited tokens are burned, the rest are transferred to the winner.


I'm Open Source developer for a decade already. You can read more on my GitHub profile.

Or in short, my software created over the years has over 130m downloads per month, and over 4.3 billion in total.
It's used by VSCode, Microsoft, Eclipse Foundation, ConsenSys, TruffleSuite, Ethereum / Web3 communities, Decentraland, Electron apps, Aragorn DAOs, and much more.

The deployment

  • Deployer must pass a ERC-20 Burnable token address
  • And a signature - just a message signed with your wallet

Note: No one can do anything malicious. Not even the deployer, no need for renounce-ing or whatever. It's just 150 lines of code. No re-entrancy attacks. No owners. The deployer can be a player as any other, it has no roles or privilages.

Goerli demo

The Game

  • A round should be started first by someone by calling startRound.
    • the startRound function must be called with amount of minutes a round will be opened
  • Then players can deposit maximum 2 times, their ERC-20 Burnable tokens
    • those are contracts that have at least public burn function that can be called by the owner of the tokens
  • When the time for a round ends, anyone can call endRound
    • this function expects a percent and a signature arguments
    • this signature can be created by signing some message with your wallet
    • the percent argument is how much percents of the deposited tokens to be burned
    • calculates randomly a winner from all the depositors
    • calculates x% (eg. 30%) of the deposited tokens and burn them forever
    • transfers the rest (eg. 70%) of the tokens to the chosen Winner
    • resets the state, and a new round can be started again

Note: It cannot be stopped or paused, or anything else. It emit events and has several view functions.

Why signatures?

It ensures better on-chain randomness. There's one signature that's by the deployer, and one by the round closer. It could be even better if it includes all depositor signatures too, but that's avoided here for less friction to the players. Secured from 2 of 3 potentially malicious sides is better than nothing.



// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;
// Created by @tunnckoCore / @wgw_eth / wgw.eth
interface IERC20Burnable {
function burn(uint256 value) external;
function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
function transferFrom(
address from,
address to,
uint256 amount
) external returns (bool);
error RoundOpened();
error RoundNotOpened();
error RoundPeriodTooLong();
error RoundPeriodTooShort();
error RoundTimeOver();
error RoundMaxEntriesExceeded();
contract BurnLotto {
IERC20Burnable private _token;
mapping(address => uint256) private depositsCount;
mapping(address => uint256) private depositsAmount;
mapping(uint256 => address) private roundWinner;
address[] private allRoundWinners;
address[] private depositors;
bool private roundIsOpened;
uint256 private roundId;
uint256 private roundStartTime;
uint256 private roundEndTime;
bytes private deployerSignature;
bytes[] private signaturesOfClosers;
address private deployer = msg.sender;
address private roundStarter;
address private roundCloser;
// PROD: uncomment when deploying
event RoundStarted(
address indexed creator,
uint256 indexed roundStartTime,
uint256 indexed period,
uint256 roundId
// TEST: comment when deploying
// event RoundStarted(
// address indexed creator,
// uint256 indexed period,
// uint256 roundId
// );
event RoundEntered(address indexed depositor, uint256 indexed amount);
// PROD: uncomment when deploying
event RoundEnded(
address indexed winner,
uint256 indexed tokensToWinner,
uint256 indexed tokensToBurn,
uint256 roundId,
address roundCloser
// TEST: comment when deploying
// event RoundEnded(
// uint256 indexed tokensToWinner,
// uint256 indexed tokensToBurn,
// uint256 roundId,
// address roundCloser
// );
constructor(address token, bytes memory signature) {
_token = IERC20Burnable(token);
deployerSignature = signature;
function startRound(uint256 period) external {
if (roundIsOpened) {
revert RoundOpened();
if (period > 10080) {
revert RoundPeriodTooLong();
// PROD: uncomment when deploying
if (period < 10) {
revert RoundPeriodTooShort();
roundStartTime = block.timestamp;
roundIsOpened = true;
roundId += 1;
roundStarter = msg.sender;
// PROD: uncomment when deploying
roundEndTime = roundStartTime + (period * 1 minutes);
// TEST: comment when deploying
// roundEndTime = roundStartTime + (period);
// PROD: uncomment when deploying
emit RoundStarted(roundStarter, roundStartTime, period, roundId);
// TEST: comment when deploying
// emit RoundStarted(roundStarter, period, roundId);
function enterRound(uint256 amount) external {
if (!roundIsOpened) {
revert RoundNotOpened();
if (block.timestamp > roundEndTime) {
revert RoundTimeOver();
if (depositsCount[msg.sender] > 2) {
revert RoundMaxEntriesExceeded();
depositsCount[msg.sender] += 1;
depositsAmount[msg.sender] += amount;
IERC20Burnable(_token).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
emit RoundEntered(msg.sender, amount);
function endRound(
uint256 percent,
bytes memory signature
) external returns (address) {
if (block.timestamp <= roundEndTime) {
revert RoundOpened();
roundCloser = msg.sender;
roundIsOpened = false;
// Draw a winner randomly from the depositors array
uint256 randomIdx = _getRandomUint(signature);
address winner = depositors[randomIdx];
roundWinner[roundId] = winner;
// Burn x% of the ERC-20 tokens that are deposited
// the rest are transfered to the chosen winner
uint256 deposited = IERC20Burnable(_token).balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 tokensToBurn = (deposited / 100) * percent;
uint256 tokensToWinner = deposited - tokensToBurn;
// reset the state for the next round
depositors = new address[](0);
depositsCount[msg.sender] = 0;
depositsAmount[msg.sender] = 0;
IERC20Burnable(_token).transfer(winner, tokensToWinner);
// PROD: uncomment when deploying
emit RoundEnded(
// TEST: comment when deploying
// emit RoundEnded(tokensToWinner, tokensToBurn, roundId, roundCloser);
return winner;
* View functions
function getTokenBalance() external view returns (uint256) {
return IERC20Burnable(_token).balanceOf(address(this));
function getDepositors() external view returns (address[] memory) {
return depositors;
function getDepositsCount(address player) external view returns (uint256) {
return depositsCount[player];
function getDepositsAmount(address player) external view returns (uint256) {
return depositsAmount[player];
function getRoundStartTime() external view returns (uint256) {
return roundStartTime;
function getRoundEndTime() external view returns (uint256) {
return roundEndTime;
function getRoundId() external view returns (uint256) {
return roundId;
function getRoundWinner(uint256 _roundId) external view returns (address) {
return roundWinner[_roundId];
function getAllWinners() external view returns (address[] memory) {
return allRoundWinners;
function getRoundStarter() external view returns (address) {
return roundStarter;
function getRoundCloser() external view returns (address) {
return roundCloser;
function getDeployer() external view returns (address) {
return deployer;
function isRoundStarted() external view returns (bool) {
return roundIsOpened;
* Util functions
function _getRandomUint(
bytes memory closerSignature
) internal view returns (uint) {
uint randomNumber = uint(
return (randomNumber % depositors.length) - 1;
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