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Fighting for freedom, security and privacy 🔐

Charlike Mike Reagent tunnckoCore

Fighting for freedom, security and privacy 🔐
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tunnckoCore /
Created December 19, 2022 02:34 — forked from JonhSHEPARD/
Github Copilot on NixOS
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
then echo "This script must be run as root"
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: ./$0 <path-to-ide"
exit 1
tunnckoCore /
Created April 7, 2022 03:43 — forked from gboudreau/
Export TOTP tokens from Authy

Generating Authy passwords on other authenticators

There is an increasing count of applications which use Authy for two-factor authentication. However many users who aren't using Authy, have their own authenticator setup up already and do not wish to use two applications for generating passwords.

Since I use 1Password for all of my password storing/generating needs, I was looking for a solution to use Authy passwords on that. I couldn't find any completely working solutions, however I stumbled upon a gist by Brian Hartvigsen. His post had a neat code with it to generate QR codes for you to use on your favorite authenticator.

His method is to extract the secret keys using Authy's Google Chrome app via Developer Tools. If this was not possible, I guess people would be reverse engineering the Android app or something like that. But when I tried that code, nothing appeared on the screen. My guess is that Brian used the

tunnckoCore /
Last active January 15, 2019 01:44 — forked from webframp/
Signing git commits on github using gpg key

Probably one of the easiest things you'll ever do with gpg

Install Keybase: and Ensure the keybase cli is in your PATH

First get the public key

keybase pgp export | gpg --import

Next get the private key

tunnckoCore / result
Created August 17, 2017 23:14 — forked from BananaAcid/result
subdirs + includes
// ˫ routes ˫ index.js
// ˫ routes ˫ api1 ˫ index.js
GET /api/v1/
GET /api/v1/x
// ˫ routes ˫ api1 ˫ a.js
PUT /api/v1/a/obj/:one/:two
tunnckoCore / styles.less
Created August 3, 2017 22:58 — forked from brandondurham/styles.less
Using Operator Mono in Atom
* Using Operator Mono in Atom
* 1. Open up Atom Preferences.
* 2. Click the “Open Config Folder” button.
* 3. In the new window’s tree view on the left you should see a file called “styles.less”. Open that up.
* 4. Copy and paste the CSS below into that file. As long as you have Operator Mono SSm installed you should be golden!
* 5. Tweak away.
* Theme from the screenshot (
tunnckoCore / gist:366ef82335e12f586a54
Created February 4, 2016 02:44
Sublime Text 3 Build 3083 License Key - CRACK
### yo probe esta:
2 User License
45CB0D8F 09100037 7D1056EB A1DDC1A2
39C102C5 DF8D0BF0 FC3B1A94 4F2892B4
0AEE61BA 65758D3B 2EED551F A3E3478C
C1C0E04E CA4E4541 1FC1A2C1 3F5FB6DB
tunnckoCore / How_to_use.html
Created January 24, 2016 03:01 — forked from jcgregorio/How_to_use.html
HTML Templating using the HTML <template> element and exactly 100 lines of JS. A cleaned up version of this code is now available at
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src="templating.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<template id=t>
tunnckoCore /
Created December 30, 2015 00:34
Bash: General-purpose Yes/No prompt function ("ask")
# This is a general-purpose function to ask Yes/No questions in Bash, either
# with or without a default answer. It keeps repeating the question until it
# gets a valid answer.
ask() {
while true; do
if [ "${2:-}" = "Y" ]; then
tunnckoCore /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26 — forked from jashkenas/
Why Semantic Versioning Isn't

Spurred by recent events (, this is a quick set of jotted-down thoughts about the state of "Semantic" Versioning, and why we should be fighting the good fight against it.

For a long time in the history of software, version numbers indicated the relative progress and change in a given piece of software. A major release (1.x.x) was major, a minor release (x.1.x) was minor, and a patch release was just a small patch. You could evaluate a given piece of software by name + version, and get a feeling for how far away version 2.0.1 was from version 2.8.0.

But Semantic Versioning (henceforth, SemVer), as specified at, changes this to prioritize a mechanistic understanding of a codebase over a human one. Any "breaking" change to the software must be accompanied with a new major version number. It's alright for robots, but bad for us.

SemVer tries to compress a huge amount of information — the nature of the change, the percentage of users that wil

tunnckoCore /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17 — forked from xeoncross/

140 byte PHP routing system.

This is a very simply routing system that makes it easy to test requests to different paths. This is very limited so do not use for your applications - it's just for fun.


// A user profile
route('/(\w+)/profile', function($path, $user)

print "Hello " . $user;