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Last active October 28, 2021 06:40
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NodeMCU implementation of Math library
-- refer to
PI = math.pi;
r360 = 2*PI; -- 2*PI radians equal 360 degrees
r180 = PI;
r90 = PI/2;
function sin(x) -- x in radians
local sign = 1;
if x < 0 then x = -x + r180 end
x = x % r360; -- x < 360
if x > r180 then x = r360 - x; sign = -1 end
if x > r90 then x = r180 - x end
local x2 = x*x;
return sign*x*(x2*(x2*(-x2+42)-840)+5040)/5040;
function cos(x) -- x in radians
return sin(x+r90);
function tan(x) -- x in radians
return sin(x)/cos(x);
function atan(x) -- result in radians
local sqrt3 = 1.732051;
local offset = 0;
local sign = 1;
if x <= 0 then x = -x; sign = -1 end
if x > 2-sqrt3 then
x = (x*sqrt3 - 1) / (sqrt3 + x);
offset = PI/6;
local x2 = x*x;
return sign*(offset + x*(x2*(x2*(-15*x2+21)-35)+105)/105);
function asin(x)
if x <= -1 or x >= 1 then error("*** Illegal argument for asin()") end
return atan(x/(1-x*x)^(0.5));
function acos(x)
if x <= -1 or x >= 1 then error("*** Illegal argument for acos()") end
return atan((1-x*x)^(0.5)/x);
function toRad(x) -- degrees
return x*PI/180; -- radians
function toDeg(x) -- radians
return x*180/PI; -- degrees
function exp(x)
return 2.7182818284^x;
function ln(x) -- natural logarithm; precision approximately 5 positions after decimal dot
if x <= 0 then error("*** Illegal argument for ln()") end
local ln2 = 0.6931471; -- ln(x*2^k)=ln(x)+k*ln(2)
local sign = 1;
local k = 0; -- invariant: x*2^k is constant
if (x < 1) then x = 1/x; sign = -1 end
while (x > 1) do x = x/2; k = k+1 end -- postcondition: 0.5 < x <= 1
x = 1 - x; -- 0 <= x < 0.5 for fast convergence. First 6 series expansion terms:
local sum = x*(x*(x*(x*(x*(10*x+12)+15)+20)+30)+60)/60; -- ln(1-x)=-(sum(x^n/n),n:0..inf,-1<=x<1.
return sign * (k*ln2 - sum);
function truncate(x) -- integer part of x
return x > 0 and math.floor(x) or math.ceil(x)
function round(x) -- x rounded to nearest integer
return x >= 0 and math.ceil(x-0.5) or math.floor(x+0.5)
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