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Forked from davenportw15/HashMap.hs
Created June 5, 2022 12:54
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A hashmap implementation in Haskell backed by a binary tree.
module HashMap where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
-- | HashMap backed by a binary tree. Most operations are O(log(n))
data HashMap k v = EmptyMap | Map (k, v) (HashMap k v) (HashMap k v) deriving (Read, Show)
-- | Apply fmap over all values
instance (Ord k) => Functor (HashMap k) where
fmap _ EmptyMap = EmptyMap
fmap f (Map (key, value) leftMap rightMap) =
Map (key, f value) (fmap f leftMap) (fmap f rightMap)
-- | Inserts a 2-tuple key-value pair into a HashMap
insert :: (Ord k) => (k, v) -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
insert pair EmptyMap = Map pair EmptyMap EmptyMap
insert (key, value) (Map (mapKey, mapValue) leftMap rightMap) =
case key `compare` mapKey of
GT -> Map (mapKey, mapValue) leftMap (insert (key, value) rightMap)
otherwise -> Map (mapKey, mapValue) (insert (key, value) leftMap) rightMap
-- | Lookup corresponding value for key
lookup :: (Ord k) => k -> HashMap k v -> Maybe v
lookup _ EmptyMap = Nothing
lookup key (Map (mapKey, mapValue) leftMap rightMap) =
case key `compare` mapKey of
EQ -> Just mapValue
LT -> lookup key leftMap
GT -> lookup key rightMap
-- | Applies function to value at corresponding key
update :: (Ord k) => (v -> v) -> k -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
update _ _ EmptyMap = EmptyMap
update f key (Map (mapKey, mapValue) leftMap rightMap) =
case key `compare` mapKey of
EQ -> Map (mapKey, f mapValue) leftMap rightMap
LT -> Map (mapKey, mapValue) (update f key leftMap) rightMap
GT -> Map (mapKey, mapValue) leftMap (update f key rightMap)
-- | Create a map from a list of 2-tuple key-value pairs
fromList :: (Ord k) => [(k, v)] -> HashMap k v
fromList = foldr insert EmptyMap
-- | Example usage
main :: IO ()
main = do
let capitals = fromList [("Massachusetts", "Boston"),
("Missouri", "Jefferson City"),
("California", "Sacramento"),
("Connecticut", "Hartford"),
("Arizona", "Phoenix"),
("Kansas", "Topeka")]
capitalsWithHawaii = insert ("Hawaii", "Honolulu") capitals
-- Retreive Just "Boston" from updated capitals map
print $ lookup "Massachusetts" capitalsWithHawaii
-- Receive Just otnemarcaS from fmapped updated capitals
print $ lookup "California" (fmap reverse capitalsWithHawaii)
-- Receive Nothing from updated capitals map
print $ lookup "Sweden" capitalsWithHawaii
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