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Last active March 28, 2018 17:30
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  • Save turboBasic/e81a94c0037a08167f2cc4366e5dbc72 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save turboBasic/e81a94c0037a08167f2cc4366e5dbc72 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Windows 10 bootstarter script: deployment of configurations and application
# Run: START
# or: START\install\boxstarter.ps1
# @TODO add lib_environment.ps1
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
# Enable Group Policy for Powershell
$_urlBase = ''
$_scriptBase = "$env:temp\" + [string][System.Guid]::NewGuid()
$_scriptName = $_scriptBase + ".registry.pol"
(iwr "$_urlBase/registry.pol").Content > ($_scriptName)
cmd /c $_lgpo /m $_scriptName
cmd /c $_lgpo /u $_scriptName
# Import our module for managing Environment variables from
$_scriptName = $_scriptBase + ".ps1"
$_urlBase = ''
(iwr "$_urlBase/Environment/Environment.psm1").Content > $_scriptName
(iwr "$_urlBase/Commands/Commands.psm1").Content >> $_scriptName
(iwr "$_urlBase/UtilsScoop/UtilsScoop.psm1").Content >> $_scriptName
echo "Environment.psm1, Commands.psm1 and UtilsScoop.psm1 downloaded to $_scriptName"
. $_scriptName
echo "Sourced $_scriptName, begin executing script"
# Here we go - Boxstarter script itself
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles `
-EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar -EnableOpenFileExplorerToQuickAccess `
-EnableShowFrequentFoldersInQuickAccess -EnableExpandToOpenFolder
# as we are sourcing this to boxstarter, boxstarter installs chocolatey if it is absent
# so at this point we already have choco
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name '(c)Tools' c:\tools Machine $false # setx -Tools c:\tools
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name MSYS2_ROOT '%(c)Tools%\msys64' Machine $true
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name Cmder_Root '%(c)Tools%\cmdermini' Machine $true
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name Git "%ProgramFiles%\Git" Machine $true
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name '(c)Choco' "%ProgramData%\chocolatey" Machine $true
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name '(c)SCOOP_GLOBAL' "%ProgramData%\Scoop" Machine $true
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name SCOOP_GLOBAL '%(c)SCOOP_GLOBAL%' Machine $true
#Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name '-SCOOP' "$env:UserProfile\Scoop" User $false
#Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name SCOOP '%-Scoop%' User $true
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name Choco "%(c)Choco%" Machine $true
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name ChocolateyToolsLocation "%(c)Tools%" Machine $true
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name ChocolateyInstall "%(c)Choco%" Machine $true
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name Dropbox c:\mnt\data\Dropbox User $false
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name OneDrive c:\mnt\data\OneDrive User $false
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name Notepad "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\notepad++\notepad++.exe" Machine $true
cmd /c mklink /d %UserProfile%\SendTo\Send2SendTo %UserProfile%\SendTo
cmd /c mklink /d %UserProfile%\SendTo\StartMenu "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
New-Shortcut -name "${env:ALLUSERSPROFILE}\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Cmder" -target "%Cmder_Root%\Cmder.exe" -icon "%Cmder_Root%\icons\cmder.ico"
# upgrade choco to pre-release version ܍
cinst -y -pre chocolatey
cinst -y NuGet.CommandLine
cinst -y 7zip.install 7zip.portable
# TODO: set 7zip language english in registry and write-protect the key
cinst -y linkshellextension systemexplorer treesizefree doublecmd
cinst -y --ignore-checksums registrymanager
cinst -y --ignore-checksums rapidee
cinst -y git
# configure git
# TODO git clone - clone gists
# git config --global core.editor notepad++
#cinst -y msys2
cinst -y fab
cinst -y -pre cmdermini
cinst -y notepadplusplus.install --x86
cinst -y keypirinha putty kdiff3 everything # launchy
#cinst -y hackfont firacode lato sourcecodepro robotofonts nexusfont
#cinst -y --allow-empty-checksums ubuntu.font
#cinst -y dropbox evernote
cinst -y googlechrome
#cinst -y firefox-dev -pre -packageParameters "l=en-GB" --ignore-checksums
cinst -y qbittorrent
### get scoop installed as well
#$_scoop = 'c:\tools\scoop'
#setx SCOOP $_scoop
#$env:SCOOP = $_scoop
#setx PATH "$env:PATH;$_scoop\shims" /m
iwr -UseBasicParsing | iex
scoop install sudo
$utils = "$(Split-Path $profile)\Modules\Utils\"
md $utils -force
$utils += "Utils.psm1"
cp (Resolve-Path "$(scoop which scoop)\..\..\lib\core.ps1") $utils
echo @"
Export-ModuleMember -Function is_admin, abort, error, warn, success, basedir, appsdir, shimdir,
ensure, fullpath, relpath, dl, unzip, shim
"@ | Add-Content $utils
# Now we have scoop's shim command and other useful utilities
#scoop bucket add extras
#sudo scoop install notepadplusplus -a 32bit --global
#$files = Get-ChildItem "$env:Scoop_Global\shims\notepad++.*"
#foreach ($file in $files) {
# cp $file "$env:Scoop_Global\shims\npp$($(get-item $file).Extension)"
# cp $file "$env:Scoop_Global\shims\np$($(get-item $file).Extension)"
# now we have 'notepad++', 'npp' and 'np' commands to run notepad++
#cinst Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux -source windowsfeatures
#cinst Microsoft-Hyper-V-All -source windowsFeatures
# install regional settings, computer name, reboot
# fonts
# mkdir c:\mnt\Data\Dropbox
# mkdir c:\mnt\Data\OneDrive
# mklink ...
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