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Created July 4, 2009 20:17
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Save turbolent/140709 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
;; automatic initarg c-in
;; by Ramarren
(defclass auto-cin-model ()
(defun class-initargs (class)
(let ((slots (closer-mop:class-slots class)))
(let ((class-initargs
(mapcar #'closer-mop:slot-definition-initargs slots)))
(remove-if #'(lambda (x)
(= (length x) 1))
(mapcar #'list* slots class-initargs)))))
(defun slots-for-initarg (initarg class-initargs)
(loop for (slot . initargs) in class-initargs
appending (when (member initarg initargs)
(list slot))))
(defmethod shared-initialize :around ((instance auto-cin-model)
slot-names &rest initargs)
(let ((accumulator nil)
(class-name (class-name (class-of instance))))
(labels ((cell-slot-p (slot-name)
(cells::md-slot-cell-type class-name slot-name)))
(loop for (initarg init-value) on initargs by #'cddr
with class-initargs = (class-initargs (class-of instance))
for slots = (slots-for-initarg initarg class-initargs)
for slot-names = (mapcar #'closer-mop:slot-definition-name slots)
do (push initarg accumulator)
(cond ((and (not (every #'cell-slot-p slot-names))
(not (notany #'cell-slot-p slot-names)))
(error "Initarg ~a specifies both cell and non
cell slots." initarg))
((and (every #'cell-slot-p slot-names)
(not (typep init-value 'cells:cell)))
(push (cells:c-in init-value) accumulator))
(t (push init-value accumulator)))))
(apply #'call-next-method instance slot-names (nreverse accumulator))))
;; test
(cells:defmodel test-cin (auto-cin-model cells::model-object)
((test :initarg :test
:accessor test
:initform (cells:c-in nil))))
(defun test-cin ()
(let ((x (make-instance 'test-cin :test 1)))
(setf (test x) 2)))
;; with only (cells:defmodel test-cin (auto-cin-model) ..
;; (test-cin)
;; =>
;; If no superclass of TEST-CIN inherits directly
;; or indirectly from model-object, model-object must be included as a direct super-class in
;; the defmodel form for TEST-CIN
;; [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]
;; change to: (cells:defmodel test-cin (auto-cin-model cells:model-object) ..
;; (test-cin)
;; =>
;; 2
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