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Created May 9, 2014 15:25
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Usage: ragel_utf8_range.rb <start> <end>
# This script is based on unicode2ragel.rb by Rakan El-Khalil <>,
# which was originally written as part of the Ferret search engine library.
# Formats to hex at minimum width
def to_hex( n )
r = "%0X" % n
r = "0#{r}" unless (r.length % 2).zero?
# 0x00 - 0x7f -> 0zzzzzzz[7]
# 0x80 - 0x7ff -> 110yyyyy[5] 10zzzzzz[6]
# 0x800 - 0xffff -> 1110xxxx[4] 10yyyyyy[6] 10zzzzzz[6]
# 0x010000 - 0x10ffff -> 11110www[3] 10xxxxxx[6] 10yyyyyy[6] 10zzzzzz[6]
UTF8_BOUNDARIES = [0x7f, 0x7ff, 0xffff, 0x10ffff]
def to_utf8_enc( n )
r = 0
if n <= 0x7f
r = n
elsif n <= 0x7ff
y = 0xc0 | (n >> 6)
z = 0x80 | (n & 0x3f)
r = y << 8 | z
elsif n <= 0xffff
x = 0xe0 | (n >> 12)
y = 0x80 | (n >> 6) & 0x3f
z = 0x80 | n & 0x3f
r = x << 16 | y << 8 | z
elsif n <= 0x10ffff
w = 0xf0 | (n >> 18)
x = 0x80 | (n >> 12) & 0x3f
y = 0x80 | (n >> 6) & 0x3f
z = 0x80 | n & 0x3f
r = w << 24 | x << 16 | y << 8 | z
# Given a range, splits it up into ranges that can be continuously
# encoded into utf8. Eg: 0x00 .. 0xff => [0x00..0x7f, 0x80..0xff]
# This is not strictly needed since the current [5.1] unicode standard
# doesn't have ranges that straddle utf8 boundaries. This is included
# for completeness as there is no telling if that will ever change.
def utf8_ranges( range )
ranges = []
UTF8_BOUNDARIES.each do |max|
if range.begin <= max
return ranges << range if range.end <= max
ranges << range.begin .. max
range = (max + 1) .. range.end
def build_range( start, stop )
size = start.size/2
left = size - 1
return [""] if size < 1
a = start[0..1]
b = stop[0..1]
# Shared prefix
if a == b
return build_range(start[2..-1], stop[2..-1]).map do |elt|
"0x#{a} " + elt
# Unshared prefix, end of run
return ["0x#{a}..0x#{b} "] if
# Unshared prefix, not end of run
# Range can be 0x123456..0x56789A
# Which is equivalent to:
# 0x123456 .. 0x12FFFF
# 0x130000 .. 0x55FFFF
# 0x560000 .. 0x56789A
ret = []
ret << build_range(start, a + "FF" * left)
# Only generate middle range if need be.
if a.hex+1 != b.hex
max = to_hex(b.hex - 1)
max = "FF" if b == "FF"
ret << "0x#{to_hex(a.hex+1)}..0x#{max} " + "0x00..0xFF " * left
# Don't generate last range if it is covered by first range
ret << build_range(b + "00" * left, stop) unless b == "FF"
def to_utf8( range )
utf8_ranges( range ).map do |r|
build_range to_utf8_enc(r.begin), to_utf8_enc(r.end)
puts to_utf8( ARGV[0].hex .. (ARGV[1] != '..' ? ARGV[1].hex : ARGV[2].hex))
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