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Last active April 25, 2024 18:47
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from project.Makefile in nmdc-schema repo: make squeaky-clean all test

one output: project/owl/nmdc.owl.ttl

@prefix nmdc: <> .

nmdc:nmdc a owl:Ontology ;
    rdfs:label "NMDC" ;
    dcterms:license "" ;
    dcterms:title "NMDC Schema" ;
    pav:version "0.0.0" ;
    skos:definition """Schema for National Microbiome Data Collaborative (NMDC).
This schema is organized into multiple modules, such as:

 * a set of core types for representing data values
 * a subset of the mixs schema
 * an annotation schema
 * the NMDC schema itself, into which the other modules are imported""" ;
    skos:editorialNote "not importing any MIxS terms where the relationship between the name (SCN) and the id isn't 1:1" .

<> a owl:ObjectProperty,
        linkml:SlotDefinition ;
    rdfs:label "env_broad_scale" ;
    dcterms:title "broad-scale environmental context" ;
    rdfs:range nmdc:ControlledIdentifiedTermValue ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf <> ;
    skos:altLabel "broad-scale environmental context" ;
    skos:definition "Report the major environmental system the sample or specimen came from. The system(s) identified should have a coarse spatial grain, to provide the general environmental context of where the sampling was done (e.g. in the desert or a rainforest). We recommend using subclasses of EnvO’s biome class: EnvO documentation about how to use the field:" ;
    skos:inScheme <> ;
    nmdc:expected_value "The major environment type(s) where the sample was collected. Recommend subclasses of biome [ENVO:00000428]. Multiple terms can be separated by one or more pipes." .

make make-rdf

partial entity from local/mongo_as_nmdc_database_cuire_repaired_stamped.ttl

see also src/scripts/

gold:Gb0110681 a nmdc:Biosample ;
    dcterms:description "Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, plot 2. There is a duplicate submission for this entry in NCBI. The NCBI identifiers for a duplicate are PRJNA449266 and SAMN08902829" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf gold:Gs0110119 ;
    MIXS:0000012 [ a nmdc:ControlledIdentifiedTermValue ;
            nmdc:has_raw_value "grassland biome [ENVO:01000177]" ;
            nmdc:term ENVO:01000177 ] ;
    MIXS:0000013 [ a nmdc:ControlledIdentifiedTermValue ;
            nmdc:has_raw_value "biosphere reserve [ENVO:00000376]" ;
            nmdc:term ENVO:00000376 ] ;
    MIXS:0000014 [ a nmdc:ControlledIdentifiedTermValue ;
            nmdc:has_raw_value "grassland soil [ENVO:00005750]" ;
            nmdc:term ENVO:00005750 ] ;
[ ] <> "2024-04-11T14:51:00"^^<> ;
    <> "" . 


local/nmdc-no-use-native-uris.owl.ttl: src/schema/nmdc.yaml
	$(RUN) gen-owl --no-use-native-uris $< > $@

local/nmdc_materialized.ttl: src/schema/nmdc.yaml
	$(RUN) python src/scripts/ \
		--schema $< \
		--output $@


nmdc:nmdc.owl.ttl a owl:Ontology ;
    rdfs:label "NMDC" ;
    dcterms:license "" ;
    dcterms:title "NMDC Schema" ;
    pav:version "0.0.0" ;
    skos:definition """Schema for National Microbiome Data Collaborative (NMDC).
This schema is organized into multiple modules, such as:

 * a set of core types for representing data values
 * a subset of the mixs schema
 * an annotation schema
 * the NMDC schema itself, into which the other modules are imported""" ;
    skos:editorialNote "not importing any MIxS terms where the relationship between the name (SCN) and the id isn't 1:1" .

<> a owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:label "env_broad_scale" ;
    dcterms:title "broad-scale environmental context" ;
    rdfs:range nmdc:ControlledIdentifiedTermValue ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf <> ;
    skos:altLabel "broad-scale environmental context" ;
    skos:definition "Report the major environmental system the sample or specimen came from. The system(s) identified should have a coarse spatial grain, to provide the general environmental context of where the sampling was done (e.g. in the desert or a rainforest). We recommend using subclasses of EnvO’s biome class: EnvO documentation about how to use the field:" ;
    skos:inScheme <> ;
    nmdc:expected_value "The major environment type(s) where the sample was collected. Recommend subclasses of biome [ENVO:00000428]. Multiple terms can be separated by one or more pipes." .

partial entity from local/nmdc_materialized.ttl

nmdc:Biosample a owl:Class ;
    dcterms:description xsd:string ;
    dcterms:isPartOf nmdc:Study ;
    MIXS:0000001 nmdc:QuantityValue ;
    MIXS:0000002 xsd:string ;
    MIXS:0000008 nmdc:ControlledTermValue ;
    MIXS:0000009 nmdc:GeolocationValue ;
    MIXS:0000010 nmdc:TextValue ;
    MIXS:0000011 nmdc:TimestampValue ;
    MIXS:0000012 nmdc:ControlledIdentifiedTermValue ;
    MIXS:0000013 nmdc:ControlledIdentifiedTermValue ;
    MIXS:0000014 nmdc:ControlledIdentifiedTermValue ;


This is not super efficient because some class/slot definitions are repeated


@prefix MIXS: <> .

<> a owl:Ontology ;
    rdfs:label "mixs" ;
    dcterms:source <> ;
    pav:version "v6.2.0" ;
    skos:note "slot titles that are associated with more than one slot name/SCN: host sex" .

MIXS:env_broad_scale a owl:ObjectProperty,
        linkml:SlotDefinition ;
    rdfs:label "env_broad_scale" ;
    dcterms:title "broad-scale environmental context" ;
    schema1:keywords "context",
        "environmental" ;
    rdfs:range [ a rdfs:Datatype ;
            owl:intersectionOf ( MIXS:string [ a rdfs:Datatype ;
                        owl:onDatatype xsd:string ;
                        owl:withRestrictions ( [ xsd:pattern "^([^\\s-]{1,2}|[^\\s-]+.+[^\\s-]+) \\[[a-zA-Z]{2,}:[a-zA-Z0-9]\\d+\\]$" ] ) ] ) ] ;
    skos:definition "Report the major environmental system the sample or specimen came from. The system(s) identified should have a coarse spatial grain, to provide the general environmental context of where the sampling was done (e.g. in the desert or a rainforest). We recommend using subclasses of EnvO s biome class: EnvO documentation about how to use the field:" ;
    skos:inScheme <> .
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could that automatically be reasoned over?

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