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Last active June 16, 2020 17:50
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  • Save turbomam/a3915d00ee55d07510493a9944f96696 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save turbomam/a3915d00ee55d07510493a9944f96696 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
global configuration for TURBO R scripts
# replace <SECRET>s with settings appropriate for your environment
# and save as ~/turbo_R_setup.yaml
# still need to make file paths relative
pds.port: <SECRET>
pds.database: <SECRET>
pds.user: <SECRET> <SECRET>
rxnav.api.address: <SECRET>
rxnav.api.port: <SECRET>
rxnav.mysql.user: <SECRET> <SECRET>
rxnav.mysql.address: <SECRET>
rxnav.mysql.port: <SECRET>
#my.bioportal.api.base: <SECRET>
#my.apikey: <SECRET>
my.graphdb.base: <SECRET>
my.selected.repo: <SECRET>
my.graphdb.username: <SECRET> <SECRET>
# for copying json to solr server
ssh.user: <SECRET> <SECRET>
oracle.jdbc.path: "~/ojdbc8.jar"
mysql.jdbc.path: "~/mysql-connector-java-8.0.19.jar"
source.medications.savepath: "source_medications.txt"
source.medications.loadpath: "local/source_medications.txt"
normalization.file: "local/med_name_normalization.csv"
json.for.solr: "medlabels_for_chebi_for_solr.json"
json.source: "/Users/markampa/cr3/med_mapping/"
json.dest: "/project/turbo_graphdb_staging/"
min.empi.count: 2
rxaui.asserted.strings.chunk.count: 3000
approximate.row.count: 5000
approximate.max.chars: 100
# tuning decoupled from training at this point
tune.rf: FALSE
train.split: 0.7
static.ntree: 351
static.mtry: 9
coverage.check.fraction: 0.1
my.pagesize: 4000
monitor.pause.seconds: 30
main.solr.query: |
PREFIX mydata: <>
PREFIX obo: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rxn_tty: <>
PREFIX rxnorm: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
select (?iri_for_solr as ?mediri) ?definedin ?employment ?labelpred (lcase(str(?l)) as ?medlabel)
where {
# only ChEBI, RxNorm and DrOn (subontologies) are included in this result at this point
# skipping
# <> (contains dispositions... but just a few)
# assuming that, in a given graph from a given definer) each term will have only one rdfs:label or skos:prefLabel
# who has obo:IAO_0000118 alternative terms? just turbo, DrOn hand and DrOn upper
# for ChEBI ingredients and roles
# ChEBI has synonyms with sources and types (sometimes)
# rosuvastatin not in here because employment creation did not consider BioPortal mappings
graph mydata:employment {
values ?employment_iri {
?iri_for_solr mydata:employment ?employment_iri .
bind(replace(str( ?employment_iri ), "", "") as ?employment)
values ?definedin {
values ?labelpred {
graph ?definedin {
?iri_for_solr ?labelpred ?l .
} union {
# for DrOn products
graph mydata:employment {
values ?employment_iri {
?iri_for_solr mydata:employment ?employment_iri .
bind(replace(str( ?employment_iri ), "", "") as ?employment)
values ?definedin {
<> <>
values ?labelpred {
graph ?definedin {
?iri_for_solr ?labelpred ?l .
} union {
# for DrOn native ingredients
graph mydata:employment {
values ?employment_iri {
?iri_for_solr mydata:employment ?employment_iri .
bind(replace(str( ?employment_iri ), "", "") as ?employment)
# the obo RxNorm graph name is liable to change (due to a typo from MAM)
values ?definedin {
values ?labelpred {
graph ?definedin {
?iri_for_solr ?labelpred ?l .
minus {
graph obo:chebi.owl {
?iri_for_solr a owl:Class .
} union {
# RxNorm
# BioPortal RxNorm RDF does have some alternative terms
# but not as many as the NLM files/tables ?
graph mydata:employment {
# values ?employment_iri {
# rxn_tty:IN rxn_tty:MIN rxn_tty:PIN rxn_tty:BN
# rxn_tty:SBDF rxn_tty:SBDG rxn_tty:SCDF rxn_tty:SCDG
# }
?iri_for_solr mydata:employment ?employment_iri .
bind(replace(str( ?employment_iri ), "", "") as ?employment)
values ?definedin {
values ?labelpred {
graph rxnorm: {
?iri_for_solr ?labelpred ?l .
filter(isiri( ?iri_for_solr ))
clinrel_structclass.solr: |
PREFIX obo: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
select ?id ?definedin ?employment (lcase(str(?l)) as ?medlabel)
where {
values ?definedin {
values ?labelpred {
values ?employment_iri {
graph <> {
?id <>
?employment_iri .
bind(replace(str( ?employment_iri ), "", "") as ?employment)
graph ?definedin {
?id ?labelpred ?l .
rxn.alt.lab.solr.query: |
PREFIX mydata: <>
PREFIX rxn_tty: <>
PREFIX rxnorm: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
select distinct ?mediri ?medlabel
where {
graph rxnorm: {
values ?labelpred {
graph mydata:employment {
# values ?employment_iri {
# rxn_tty:IN rxn_tty:MIN rxn_tty:PIN rxn_tty:BN
# rxn_tty:SBDF rxn_tty:SBDG rxn_tty:SCDF rxn_tty:SCDG
# }
?mediri mydata:employment ?employment_iri .
?mediri ?labelpred ?rawlab ;
skos:prefLabel ?pl .
bind(lcase(str(?rawlab)) as ?medlabel)
filter(lcase(str(?rawlab)) != lcase(str(?pl)))
#group by ?mediri ?labelpred
chebi.synonym.query: |
PREFIX obo: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX oboInOwl: <>
PREFIX mydata: <>
(?annsource as ?mediri) ?l (?annprop as ?synstrength) (?dbxr as ?synsource) ?syntype (?anntarg as ?synval) (strlen( ?anntarg ) as ?synlen) ?employment
where {
values ?employment { mydata:active_ingredient mydata:clinrel_structclass }
graph mydata:employment {
?annsource mydata:employment ?employment
graph obo:chebi.owl {
values ?annprop {
oboInOwl:hasExactSynonym oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym
?restr a owl:Axiom ;
owl:annotatedSource ?annsource ;
owl:annotatedProperty ?annprop ;
owl:annotatedTarget ?anntarg .
?annsource rdfs:label ?l .
filter( ?syntype != <> )
filter( lcase(str(?l)) != lcase(str(?anntarg)) )
optional {
?restr oboInOwl:hasDbXref ?dbxr .
optional {
?restr oboInOwl:hasSynonymType ?syntype .
dron.additional.chebi.label.query: |
PREFIX obo: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
where {
graph <> {
?s a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label ?cl .
graph <> {
# labels not asserted here
?s a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label ?dl .
filter(lcase(str(?dl))!= lcase(str(?cl)))
chebi.role.syns: |
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX oboInOwl: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
?role ?at
where {
values ?dbxr { "ChEBI" "IUPHAR" }
graph <> {
?ing <> ?role .
graph <> {
?ing rdfs:label ?il .
?role rdfs:label ?rl .
?an <> ?role ;
owl:annotatedProperty oboInOwl:hasRelatedSynonym ;
owl:annotatedTarget ?at ;
oboInOwl:hasDbXref ?dbxr .
target.col: "RELA"
factor.levels: {"": ["AB","BD","BN","BPCK","CD","CDA","CDC","CDD","CE","DF","DFG","DP","GN","GPCK","IN","MH","MIN","MS","MTH_RXN_BD","MTH_RXN_CD","MTH_RXN_CDC","MTH_RXN_DP","NM","PCE","PEP","PIN","PSN","RXN_IN","RXN_PT","SBD","SBDC","SBDF","SC","SCD","SCDC","SCDF","SY"], "": ["ATC","CVX","DRUGBANK","GS","MMSL","MMX","MSH","MTHSPL","NDDF","RXNORM","USP","VANDF"], "RELA": ["consists_of","constitutes","contained_in","contains","form_of","has_form","has_ingredient","has_part","has_quantified_form","has_tradename","identical","ingredient_of","inverse_isa","isa","more distant","part_of","quantified_form_of","tradename_of"]}
important.features: ["score","rank","rxcui.count","","","q.char","q.words","sr.char","sr.words","qgram","cosine","jaccard","jw"]
testing.confusion.writepath: "rxnav_medication_mapping_confusion.csv"
rf.model.savepath: "rxnav_med_mapping_rf.Rdata"
rf.model.loadpath: "local/rxnav_med_mapping_rf.Rdata"
allowed.synonym.sources: RXNORM
- ET
- FN
- N1
- PM
- PT
- SU
final.predictions.writepath: "rxnav_medication_mapping_final_predictions.csv"
# - 'ATC'
# - 'NDFRT'
- 'DRON'
- 'DRON'
- 'CUI'
- 'LOOM'
bioportal.triples.destination: 'med_mapping_bioportal_mapping.ttl'
# skipping ,
# could possibly do some rewriting and not need ?
my.import.urls: {"":{"url":[""],"format":[""]},
# "":{"local.file":["/Users/markampa/med_mapping/local/NDFRT.ttl"],"format":["text/turtle"]},
# "":{"local.file":["/Users/markampa/med_mapping/local/ATC.ttl"],"format":["text/turtle"]},
my.import.files: {"":{"local.file":["/Users/markampa/cr3/med_mapping/local/med_mapping_bioportal_mapping.ttl"],"format":["text/turtle"]},
# not asserting that
# and
# are owl:Ontology any more
# remove "blanknode an ontology", or use robot ontology annotations file
#turbo_med_mapping_hand: |
# PREFIX owl: <>
# insert data {
# graph <> {
# <> a owl:Ontology .
# <> a owl:Ontology .
# <> a owl:Ontology .
# <> <> 'There are prescription "order names" like "wheelchair" in PDS and upstream sources that clearly do not denote a drug. So it may be more appropriator for Drivetrain to instantiate PDRO_0000001, "health care prescription"' ;
# <> "drug prescription"@en .
# <> <> "conclusion based on data" .
# }
# }
#remove_annonymous_ontologies: |
# PREFIX owl: <>
# delete {
# ?s a owl:Ontology .
# }
# where {
# ?s a owl:Ontology .
# filter(isblank(?s))
# }
delete_useless_named_ind_assertions: |
delete {
?s a <>
} where {
graph <> {
?s a <>
} union {
graph <> {
?s a <>
# this could be a CRID symbol value
standalone_source_med_ids: |
PREFIX mydata: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX obo: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
insert {
graph <> {
?s skos:notation ?extracted_id
where {
graph mydata:reference_medications {
?s a obo:PDRO_0000024 .
bind(strafter(str(?s),"") as ?extracted_id)
reference_medications_labels: |
PREFIX obo: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
insert {
graph <> {
?s rdfs:label ?bound .
where {
graph <> {
?s a obo:PDRO_0000024 ;
<> ?source_full_name .
graph <> {
?s skos:notation ?extracted_id
bind(concat(?extracted_id, "|", ?source_full_name ) as ?bound)
classifications_labels: |
PREFIX obo: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
insert {
graph <> {
?s rdfs:label ?bound .
where {
graph <> {
?s a obo:OBI_0001909 ;
<> ?query_val .
bind(concat(?query_val, "|", replace(str(?s), "", "")) as ?bound)
# if something is defined in ChEBI (XXX), remove assertion that it is also defined in DrOn-ChEBI (XXX)?
defined_in: |
PREFIX owl: <>
insert {
graph <> {
?s <> ?g .
where {
graph ?g {
?s a owl:Class .
filter (isuri(?s))
# ?s a owl:Class?
# ?s a ?c ; ?c a owl:Class ?
# # keep this, or just use BioPortal mappings?
# materialized_rxcui: |
# PREFIX obo: <>
# insert {
# graph <> {
# ?s <> ?concat
# }
# } where {
# {
# graph <>
# {
# ?s obo:DRON_00010000 ?o .
# }
# }
# union
# {
# graph <>
# {
# ?s obo:DRON_00010000 ?o .
# }
# }
# bind(uri(concat("",?o)) as ?concat)
# }
transitively_materialized_dron_ingredient: |
PREFIX obo: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX ro: <>
insert {
graph <> {
?dronsubprod <> ?droning .
where {
graph <> {
?s a owl:Restriction ;
owl:someValuesFrom ?droning ;
owl:onProperty obo:BFO_0000071 .
?bt1 rdf:first ?s ;
rdf:rest rdf:nil .
?bt2f a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty obo:BFO_0000053 ;
owl:someValuesFrom obo:DRON_00000028 .
?bt2 rdf:rest ?bt1 ;
rdf:first ?bt2f .
?bt3 rdf:rest ?bt2 ;
rdf:first obo:OBI_0000576 .
?bt4 owl:intersectionOf ?bt3 ;
rdf:type owl:Class .
?bt5 owl:someValuesFrom ?bt4 ;
rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty ro:has_proper_part .
?dronprod rdfs:subClassOf ?bt5 ;
a owl:Class .
?dronsubprod rdfs:subClassOf* ?dronprod
transitively_materialized_drugrole: |
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX obo: <>
insert {
graph <> {
?nextdrugrole <> ?subdrugrole .
} where {
values ?valsource {
obo:CHEBI_130181 obo:CHEBI_131699 obo:CHEBI_131770 obo:CHEBI_131787 obo:CHEBI_139503 obo:CHEBI_22333 obo:CHEBI_22586
obo:CHEBI_23018 obo:CHEBI_23354 obo:CHEBI_23357 obo:CHEBI_23366 obo:CHEBI_23888 obo:CHEBI_24020 obo:CHEBI_24621
obo:CHEBI_24869 obo:CHEBI_25435 obo:CHEBI_25491 obo:CHEBI_25728 obo:CHEBI_27026 obo:CHEBI_27314 obo:CHEBI_33229
obo:CHEBI_33280 obo:CHEBI_35195 obo:CHEBI_35221 obo:CHEBI_35522 obo:CHEBI_35530 obo:CHEBI_35544 obo:CHEBI_35569
obo:CHEBI_35660 obo:CHEBI_35856 obo:CHEBI_35941 obo:CHEBI_36413 obo:CHEBI_37153 obo:CHEBI_37670 obo:CHEBI_37699
obo:CHEBI_37700 obo:CHEBI_37733 obo:CHEBI_37886 obo:CHEBI_37887 obo:CHEBI_37890 obo:CHEBI_37955 obo:CHEBI_37956
obo:CHEBI_37961 obo:CHEBI_38157 obo:CHEBI_38161 obo:CHEBI_38215 obo:CHEBI_38234 obo:CHEBI_38324 obo:CHEBI_38325
obo:CHEBI_38462 obo:CHEBI_38623 obo:CHEBI_38632 obo:CHEBI_38633 obo:CHEBI_38637 obo:CHEBI_38706 obo:CHEBI_38808
obo:CHEBI_38809 obo:CHEBI_39000 obo:CHEBI_47958 obo:CHEBI_48001 obo:CHEBI_48279 obo:CHEBI_48561 obo:CHEBI_48578
obo:CHEBI_48873 obo:CHEBI_48876 obo:CHEBI_48878 obo:CHEBI_49020 obo:CHEBI_49103 obo:CHEBI_49159 obo:CHEBI_49200
obo:CHEBI_50103 obo:CHEBI_50112 obo:CHEBI_50113 obo:CHEBI_50114 obo:CHEBI_50137 obo:CHEBI_50183 obo:CHEBI_50188
obo:CHEBI_50218 obo:CHEBI_50276 obo:CHEBI_50390 obo:CHEBI_50502 obo:CHEBI_50509 obo:CHEBI_50510 obo:CHEBI_50566
obo:CHEBI_50568 obo:CHEBI_50629 obo:CHEBI_50630 obo:CHEBI_50683 obo:CHEBI_50696 obo:CHEBI_50745 obo:CHEBI_50750
obo:CHEBI_50781 obo:CHEBI_50790 obo:CHEBI_50837 obo:CHEBI_50844 obo:CHEBI_50902 obo:CHEBI_50904 obo:CHEBI_50905
obo:CHEBI_50908 obo:CHEBI_50910 obo:CHEBI_51060 obo:CHEBI_51065 obo:CHEBI_51373 obo:CHEBI_52209 obo:CHEBI_52210
obo:CHEBI_52290 obo:CHEBI_53559 obo:CHEBI_53756 obo:CHEBI_55322 obo:CHEBI_59282 obo:CHEBI_59517 obo:CHEBI_59826
obo:CHEBI_59897 obo:CHEBI_60186 obo:CHEBI_60311 obo:CHEBI_60605 obo:CHEBI_60606 obo:CHEBI_60643 obo:CHEBI_60798
obo:CHEBI_60807 obo:CHEBI_60832 obo:CHEBI_61015 obo:CHEBI_61016 obo:CHEBI_61115 obo:CHEBI_61908 obo:CHEBI_61951
obo:CHEBI_62488 obo:CHEBI_62872 obo:CHEBI_64571 obo:CHEBI_64909 obo:CHEBI_64911 obo:CHEBI_65023 obo:CHEBI_65259
obo:CHEBI_68495 obo:CHEBI_68563 obo:CHEBI_70727 obo:CHEBI_70781 obo:CHEBI_71232 obo:CHEBI_73240 obo:CHEBI_73263
obo:CHEBI_73333 obo:CHEBI_73913 obo:CHEBI_74213 obo:CHEBI_74234 obo:CHEBI_76779 obo:CHEBI_76797 obo:CHEBI_76932
obo:CHEBI_77194 obo:CHEBI_77255 obo:CHEBI_77402 obo:CHEBI_77748 obo:CHEBI_78444 obo:CHEBI_85234 obo:CHEBI_86385
obo:CHEBI_90414 obo:CHEBI_90415 obo:CHEBI_91079 obo:CHEBI_35664
?subdrugrole rdfs:subClassOf* ?valsource .
?nextdrugrole rdfs:subClassOf* ?subdrugrole .
transitive_role_of_class: |
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX obo: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
insert {
graph <> {
?chebidrugsubclass <> ?superrole .
} where {
graph <> {
?drugrole <>* ?superrole .
graph obo:chebi.owl {
?restr a owl:Restriction ;
owl:someValuesFrom ?drugrole ;
owl:onProperty obo:RO_0000087 .
?chebidrugclass rdfs:subClassOf ?restr .
?chebidrugsubclass rdfs:subClassOf* ?chebidrugclass .
# # I don't think we're actually using this
# materialize_cuis: |
# insert {
# graph <> {
# ?materialized a <> ;
# <> ?s .
# }
# }
# where {
# ?s <> ?cui .
# bind(uri(concat("",?cui)) as ?materialized )
# }
elected_mappings: |
PREFIX mydata: <>
PREFIX obo: <>
insert {
graph mydata:elected_mapping {
?wasinner mydata:elected_mapping ?outermrxc
(?innersm as ?wasinner) ?outermrxc ?innerpimax (sum(?outerpi) as ?outersum)
where {
graph mydata:classified_search_results {
?doublecheck mydata:source_id_uri ?innersm ;
mydata:prob_identical ?outerpi ;
mydata:match_rxcui ?outermrxc .
select (?sourcemed as ?innersm) (max(?pisum) as ?innerpimax)
select ?sourcemed ?match_rxcui (sum( ?prob_identical ) as ?pisum)
where {
graph mydata:reference_medications {
?sourcemed a obo:PDRO_0000024 ;
mydata:source_count ?source_count .
graph mydata:classified_search_results {
?classified_search_result mydata:source_id_uri ?sourcemed ;
mydata:prob_more_distant ?prob_more_distant ;
mydata:prob_identical ?prob_identical ;
mydata:match_rxcui ?match_rxcui .
group by ?sourcemed ?match_rxcui
order by desc (sum( ?prob_identical ))
group by ?sourcemed
group by ?innersm ?innerpimax ?outermrxc
filter(?innerpimax = ?outersum)
} |
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX ro: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX obo: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX mydata: <>
PREFIX oboInOwl: <>
insert {
graph mydata:employment {
?dronprod mydata:employment mydata:product .
?acting mydata:employment mydata:active_ingredient .
where {
graph <> {
?r a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty ro:has_proper_part ;
owl:someValuesFrom ?hpp_valsource .
?hpp_valsource owl:intersectionOf ?hpp_intersection .
?hpp_intersection rdf:first obo:OBI_0000576 ;
rdf:rest ?sma_intersection .
?sma_intersection rdf:first ?sma_intersection_first ;
rdf:rest ?acting_intersection .
?sma_intersection_first a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty obo:BFO_0000053 ;
owl:someValuesFrom obo:DRON_00000028 .
?acting_intersection rdf:first ?acting_first ;
rdf:rest rdf:nil .
?acting_first a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty obo:BFO_0000071 ;
owl:someValuesFrom ?acting .
# was constraining the subacting asn product graphs more for performance that truth?
# acutally added in some junk?!
# or was that from subacting?
?dronprod rdfs:subClassOf* ?r .
filter( isiri(?dronprod))
# todo how did I choose these roles?
# bootstapped from common roles of ingredients with lots of products?
# or lots of patients?
curated.role.employment: |
PREFIX mydata: <>
PREFIX obo: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
insert {
graph mydata:employment {
?role mydata:employment mydata:curated_role
where {
values ?valsource {
obo:CHEBI_130181 obo:CHEBI_131699 obo:CHEBI_131770 obo:CHEBI_131787 obo:CHEBI_139503 obo:CHEBI_22333 obo:CHEBI_22586
obo:CHEBI_23018 obo:CHEBI_23354 obo:CHEBI_23357 obo:CHEBI_23366 obo:CHEBI_23888 obo:CHEBI_24020 obo:CHEBI_24621
obo:CHEBI_24869 obo:CHEBI_25435 obo:CHEBI_25491 obo:CHEBI_25728 obo:CHEBI_27026 obo:CHEBI_27314 obo:CHEBI_33229
obo:CHEBI_33280 obo:CHEBI_35195 obo:CHEBI_35221 obo:CHEBI_35522 obo:CHEBI_35530 obo:CHEBI_35544 obo:CHEBI_35569
obo:CHEBI_35660 obo:CHEBI_35856 obo:CHEBI_35941 obo:CHEBI_36413 obo:CHEBI_37153 obo:CHEBI_37670 obo:CHEBI_37699
obo:CHEBI_37700 obo:CHEBI_37733 obo:CHEBI_37886 obo:CHEBI_37887 obo:CHEBI_37890 obo:CHEBI_37955 obo:CHEBI_37956
obo:CHEBI_37961 obo:CHEBI_38157 obo:CHEBI_38161 obo:CHEBI_38215 obo:CHEBI_38234 obo:CHEBI_38324 obo:CHEBI_38325
obo:CHEBI_38462 obo:CHEBI_38623 obo:CHEBI_38632 obo:CHEBI_38633 obo:CHEBI_38637 obo:CHEBI_38706 obo:CHEBI_38808
obo:CHEBI_38809 obo:CHEBI_39000 obo:CHEBI_47958 obo:CHEBI_48001 obo:CHEBI_48279 obo:CHEBI_48561 obo:CHEBI_48578
obo:CHEBI_48873 obo:CHEBI_48876 obo:CHEBI_48878 obo:CHEBI_49020 obo:CHEBI_49103 obo:CHEBI_49159 obo:CHEBI_49200
obo:CHEBI_50103 obo:CHEBI_50112 obo:CHEBI_50113 obo:CHEBI_50114 obo:CHEBI_50137 obo:CHEBI_50183 obo:CHEBI_50188
obo:CHEBI_50218 obo:CHEBI_50276 obo:CHEBI_50390 obo:CHEBI_50502 obo:CHEBI_50509 obo:CHEBI_50510 obo:CHEBI_50566
obo:CHEBI_50568 obo:CHEBI_50629 obo:CHEBI_50630 obo:CHEBI_50683 obo:CHEBI_50696 obo:CHEBI_50745 obo:CHEBI_50750
obo:CHEBI_50781 obo:CHEBI_50790 obo:CHEBI_50837 obo:CHEBI_50844 obo:CHEBI_50902 obo:CHEBI_50904 obo:CHEBI_50905
obo:CHEBI_50908 obo:CHEBI_50910 obo:CHEBI_51060 obo:CHEBI_51065 obo:CHEBI_51373 obo:CHEBI_52209 obo:CHEBI_52210
obo:CHEBI_52290 obo:CHEBI_53559 obo:CHEBI_53756 obo:CHEBI_55322 obo:CHEBI_59282 obo:CHEBI_59517 obo:CHEBI_59826
obo:CHEBI_59897 obo:CHEBI_60186 obo:CHEBI_60311 obo:CHEBI_60605 obo:CHEBI_60606 obo:CHEBI_60643 obo:CHEBI_60798
obo:CHEBI_60807 obo:CHEBI_60832 obo:CHEBI_61015 obo:CHEBI_61016 obo:CHEBI_61115 obo:CHEBI_61908 obo:CHEBI_61951
obo:CHEBI_62488 obo:CHEBI_62872 obo:CHEBI_64571 obo:CHEBI_64909 obo:CHEBI_64911 obo:CHEBI_65023 obo:CHEBI_65259
obo:CHEBI_68495 obo:CHEBI_68563 obo:CHEBI_70727 obo:CHEBI_70781 obo:CHEBI_71232 obo:CHEBI_73240 obo:CHEBI_73263
obo:CHEBI_73333 obo:CHEBI_73913 obo:CHEBI_74213 obo:CHEBI_74234 obo:CHEBI_76779 obo:CHEBI_76797 obo:CHEBI_76932
obo:CHEBI_77194 obo:CHEBI_77255 obo:CHEBI_77402 obo:CHEBI_77748 obo:CHEBI_78444 obo:CHEBI_85234 obo:CHEBI_86385
obo:CHEBI_90414 obo:CHEBI_90415 obo:CHEBI_91079 obo:CHEBI_35664
graph obo:chebi.owl {
?role rdfs:subClassOf* ?valsource ;
rdfs:label ?rolelab .
# # this is an attempt to get knowledge about clinically relevant
# # structural classes in ChEBI
# # like statins, cardiac glycosides, benzodiazepines, etc.
# # macrolide antibiotics may be especially tricky
# # and or use ATC/NDFRT in the future
# Added 333 statements. Update took 18m, minutes ago.
# does the rest of the R script need to be blocked until this is complete?
assert_clinrel_structclass: |
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX obo: <>
insert {
graph <> {
?molent <> <>
where {
graph <> {
?superrole <> <> .
graph <> {
?subrole rdfs:subClassOf* ?superrole .
?restr a owl:Restriction ;
owl:someValuesFrom ?subrole ;
owl:onProperty obo:RO_0000087 .
?molent rdfs:subClassOf ?restr ;
rdfs:label ?ml .
?anything rdfs:subClassOf ?molent .
per.task.columns: 'med_map_csv_cols.csv'
- reference_medications
- classified_search_results
reference_medications: 'reference_medications'
- source_count
my.class: ''
classified_search_results: 'classified_search_results'
- match_chars
- match_words
- query_chars
- query_words
- match_rank
- match_rxaui
- match_score
- prob_consists_of
- prob_constitutes
- prob_contained_in
- prob_contains
- prob_form_of
- prob_has_form
- prob_has_ingredient
- prob_has_part
- prob_has_quantified_form
- prob_has_tradename
- prob_identical
- prob_ingredient_of
- prob_inverse_isa
- prob_isa
- prob_more_distant
- prob_part_of
- prob_quantified_form_of
- prob_tradename_of
- rxaui_freq
- rxcui_freq
- sd_cosine
- sd_jaccard
- sd_jw
- sd_lcs
- sd_lv
- sd_qgram
my.class: ''
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