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Last active May 12, 2017 20:56
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Mapping gene symbols to KEGG pathways
# List of genes of interest
x <- c("GPX3", "GLRX", "LBP", "CRYAB", "DEFB1", "HCLS1", "SOD2", "HSPA2",
"ORM1", "IGFBP1", "PTHLH", "GPC3", "IGFBP3","TOB1", "MITF", "NDRG1",
"NR1H4", "FGFR3", "PVR", "IL6", "PTPRM", "ERBB2", "NID2", "LAMB1",
"COMP", "PLS3", "MCAM", "SPP1", "LAMC1", "COL4A2", "COL4A1", "MYOC",
"ANXA4", "TFPI2", "CST6", "SLPI", "TIMP2", "CPM", "GGT1", "NNMT",
"MAL", "EEF1A2", "HGD", "TCN2", "CDA", "PCCA", "CRYM", "PDXK",
"STC1", "WARS", "HMOX1", "FXYD2", "RBP4", "SLC6A12", "KDELR3", "ITM2B")
# Need to specify an annotation package; here we use
# Note: the interface of bitr has changed; earlier versions used AnnoDb instead of OrgDb
map_symb2entrez <- clusterProfiler::bitr(x, fromType = "SYMBOL", toType = "ENTREZID", OrgDb = "")
# keggLink outputs ENTREZID of the form 'hsa:####', and so we need to remove the first four characters
map_entrez2path <- KEGGREST::keggLink("hsa", "pathway") %>%
substr(start = 5, stop = nchar(.)) %>%
data.frame(PATH = names(.), ENTREZID = .,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Inner join to link the two
map_gene2path <- dplyr::inner_join(map_symb2entrez, map_entrez2path, by = "ENTREZID")
# You can also get the names of each pathway
KEGGREST::keggGet(c("path:hsa00480", "path:hsa00590")) %>%
sapply(function(query) query$NAME)
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