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Last active October 8, 2019 21:56
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Animation of geometry of PCA
# Generate data
Sigma <- matrix(c(1, 0.5,
0.5, 1),
ncol = 2)
X <- rmvnorm(100, sigma = Sigma)
Pn <- solve(cov(X))
# Create circle
n <- 100
theta_vect <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = n)
circle <- data.frame(X = cos(theta_vect),
Y = sin(theta_vect))
# Generate ellipses
evalues <- eigen(Pn, only.values = TRUE)$values
radii <- seq(sqrt(evalues[1]), sqrt(evalues[2]),
length.out = 50)
transf_mat <- solve(chol(Pn))
data_ellipse <- purrr::map_df(radii,
function(rho) {
ellipse <- rho * cbind(cos(theta_vect),
sin(theta_vect)) %*% t(transf_mat)
rho = rho,
X = ellipse[,1],
Y = ellipse[,2]
# Find intersection point between circle and ellipse
model <- function(vect, rho = 1) {
c(vect %*% Pn %*% vect - rho,
sum(vect^2) - 1)
data_vect <- purrr::map_df(radii,
function(rho) {
roots <- multiroot(model, start = c(1, 0),
rho = rho^2)
rho = rho,
X = roots$root[1],
Y = roots$root[2]
# Compute PCs
pca <- prcomp(X)
data_pca <- data.frame(
X = pca$rotation[1,],
Y = pca$rotation[2,],
label = c("PC1", "PC2")
# Create animation
animation <- data_ellipse %>%
ggplot(aes(X, Y)) +
geom_path(data = circle) +
geom_path() +
geom_segment(data = data_vect,
aes(xend = X, yend = Y),
x = 0, y = 0) +
geom_segment(data = data_pca,
aes(xend = X, yend = Y,
colour = label),
x = 0, y = 0) +
scale_colour_discrete(name = "") +
theme_minimal() +
transition_states(rho) +
theme(legend.position = 'top')
animate(animation, nframes = 200,
fps = 50, rewind = TRUE)
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turgeonmaxime commented Oct 8, 2019

We can see how the principal components can be obtained by looking at the intersection between the unit circle and the family of ellipses defined by the inverse covariance matrix. When maximising the variance, we are minimising the Mahalanobis distance, and therefore we are looking for the intersection between the circle and the smallest ellipse.


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