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Haskell Art Tutorial
module Colour (setColour) where
import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.RGBSpace
import Data.Colour.SRGB
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
class CairoColour d where
withColour :: d -> (Pattern -> Render ()) -> Render ()
instance CairoColour (Colour Double) where
withColour col = withRGBPattern channelRed channelGreen channelBlue
RGB {..} = toSRGB col
setColour :: CairoColour c => c -> Render ()
setColour col = withColour col $ \pattern -> setSource pattern
alphaMatte :: Render () -> Render () -> Render ()
alphaMatte matte src = do
withGroupPattern mask
module Main where
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
bg :: Render ()
bg = do
setSourceRGBA 0 0 0 1
rectangle 0 0 500 500
drawSquare :: Render ()
drawSquare = do
setSourceRGBA 1 1 0 1
rectangle 10 10 100 100
sketch :: Render ()
sketch = bg >> drawSquare
main :: IO ()
main = do
surface <- createImageSurface FormatARGB32 500 500
renderWith surface sketch
surfaceWriteToPNG surface "out.png"
module Main where
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Linear.V2
newtype Contour =
Contour (V.Vector (V2 Double))
contourPath :: Contour -> Render ()
contourPath (Contour vertices) = foldr1 (>>) $ concat [initCmds, lines, endCmds]
initCmds = [newPath, moveTo (startX) (startY)]
lines = V.toList $ (\(V2 x y) -> lineTo x y) $ V.tail vertices
endCmds = [closePath]
V2 startX startY = V.head vertices
bg :: Render ()
bg = do
setSourceRGBA 0 0 0 1
rectangle 0 0 500 500
drawTriangle :: Render ()
drawTriangle = do
setSourceRGBA 1 1 0 1
contourPath $ Contour $ V.fromList [V2 10 10, V2 100 10, V2 100 100]
sketch :: Render ()
sketch = bg >> drawTriangle
main :: IO ()
main = do
surface <- createImageSurface FormatARGB32 500 500
renderWith surface sketch
surfaceWriteToPNG surface "out.png"
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
data World = World
{ worldWidth :: Double
, worldHeight :: Double
, scaleFactor :: Double
type Generate a = Reader World a
bg :: Generate (Render ())
bg = do
(World w h _) <- ask
return $ do
setSourceRGBA 0 0 0 1
rectangle 0 0 w h
drawSquare :: Generate (Render ())
drawSquare = do
(World w h _) <- ask
return $ do
setSourceRGBA 1 1 0 1
rectangle (w / 4) (h / 4) (w / 2) (h / 2)
sketch :: Generate (Render ())
sketch = do
rs <- sequence [bg, drawSquare]
return $ foldr1 (>>) rs
main :: IO ()
main = do
let world = World 500 200 1
surface <-
(round $ worldWidth world)
(round $ worldHeight world)
renderWith surface $ do
scale (scaleFactor world) (scaleFactor world)
runReader sketch world
surfaceWriteToPNG surface "out.png"
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.RVar
import Data.Random.Distribution.Uniform
import Data.Random.Source.PureMT
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
data World = World
{ worldWidth :: Double
, worldHeight :: Double
, scaleFactor :: Double
type Generate a = StateT PureMT (Reader World) a
runGenerate :: World -> PureMT -> Generate a -> a
runGenerate world rng scene =
(flip runReader world) . (>>= (return . fst)) . (flip runStateT rng) $ scene
bg :: Generate (Render ())
bg = do
(World w h _) <- ask
return $ do
setSourceRGBA 0 0 0 1
rectangle 0 0 w h
drawSquare :: Generate (Render ())
drawSquare = do
(World w h _) <- ask
red <- sampleRVar $ uniform 0 1
green <- sampleRVar $ uniform 0 1
blue <- sampleRVar $ uniform 0 1
return $ do
setSourceRGBA red green blue 1
rectangle (w / 4) (h / 4) (w / 2) (h / 2)
sketch :: Generate (Render ())
sketch = do
rs <- sequence [bg, drawSquare]
return $ foldr1 (>>) rs
main :: IO ()
main = do
let world = World 500 200 1
rng <- newPureMT
surface <-
(round $ worldWidth world)
(round $ worldHeight world)
renderWith surface $ do
scale (scaleFactor world) (scaleFactor world)
runGenerate world rng sketch
surfaceWriteToPNG surface "out.png"
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.RVar
import Data.Random.Distribution.Uniform
import Data.Random.Source.PureMT
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
data World = World
{ worldWidth :: Double
, worldHeight :: Double
, scaleFactor :: Double
type Generate a = StateT PureMT (Reader World) a
runGenerate :: World -> PureMT -> Generate a -> a
runGenerate world rng scene =
(flip runReader world) . (>>= (return . fst)) . (flip runStateT rng) $ scene
bg :: Generate (Render ())
bg = do
(World w h _) <- ask
return $ do
setSourceRGBA 0 0 0 1
rectangle 0 0 w h
-- The animated state is the red channel, which gradually increases
-- and wraps around after hitting 1.
drawSquare :: State Double (Generate (Render ()))
drawSquare = do
red <- get
if red >= 1
then put 0
else put $ red + 0.01
return $ do
(World w h _) <- ask
green <- sampleRVar $ uniform 0 1
blue <- sampleRVar $ uniform 0 1
return $ do
setSourceRGBA red green blue 1
rectangle (w / 4) (h / 4) (w / 2) (h / 2)
sketch :: State Double (Generate (Render ()))
sketch = do
drawSquare_ <- drawSquare
return $ do
rs <- sequence [bg, drawSquare_]
return $ foldr1 (>>) rs
animation :: Int -> State Double [Generate (Render ())]
animation frames = sequence $ map (const $ sketch) [1 .. frames]
-- You may or may not want to start with an RNG in the same state for each
-- frame. If you didn't want to, you'd just create a new one in this function
-- and remove the argument.
writeSketch :: World -> PureMT -> String -> Generate (Render ()) -> IO ()
writeSketch world rng path sketch = do
surface <-
(round $ worldWidth world)
(round $ worldHeight world)
renderWith surface $ do
scale (scaleFactor world) (scaleFactor world)
runGenerate world rng sketch
surfaceWriteToPNG surface path
main :: IO ()
main = do
let world = World 500 200 1
let frames = 100
let frameRenders = evalState (animation frames) 1
rng <- newPureMT
let filenames = map (\i -> show i ++ ".png") [1 .. frames]
foldr1 (>>) $
map (uncurry $ writeSketch world rng) $ zip filenames frameRenders
data RadialRamp = RadialRamp
{ radialRampStart :: (V2 Double, Double)
, radialRampEnd :: (V2 Double, Double)
, radialRampStops :: [(Double, RGB Double, Double)]
instance CairoColour RadialRamp where
withColour (RadialRamp ((V2 sx sy), sr) ((V2 ex ey), er) stops) f =
withRadialPattern sx sy sr ex ey er $ \pattern ->
prepare pattern >> f pattern
prepare :: Pattern -> Render ()
prepare pattern = foldr1 (>>) $ map (formatStop pattern) stops
formatStop :: Pattern -> (Double, RGB Double, Double) -> Render ()
formatStop pattern (offset, col, alpha) =
RGB {..} = toSRGB $ uncurryRGB rgb $ col
module Shade
( Shader
, noOpShader
, shadeSurface
) where
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Array.Accelerate as A
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Data.Bits
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Data.Colour.RGBA
import Data.Array.Accelerate.IO.Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.PTX as GPU
import qualified Data.Array.IArray as I
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Colour.RGBSpace
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Word
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C
import Prelude as P
newtype Shader =
Shader ((Exp DIM2 -> Exp (RGBA Float)) -> Uniforms -> Exp DIM2 -> Exp (RGBA Float))
type Uniforms = ()
noOpShader :: Shader
noOpShader = Shader $ \bufferAccessF _ -> bufferAccessF
shadeSurface :: Shader -> Surface -> IO ()
shadeSurface (Shader f) surface = do
surfaceFlush surface
raw <- surfacePixels surface
stride <- imageSurfaceGetStride surface
let bufferAccessF = bufferAccess raw stride
let (shaded :: A.Array DIM1 Word32) = $
imap (shaderProxy bufferAccessF stride (f bufferAccessF ())) raw
let (extracted :: UArray Int Word32) = toIArray Nothing shaded
(rawData :: SurfaceData Int Word32) <- imageSurfaceGetPixels surface
(s, e) <- getBounds rawData
foldr1 (>>) $ (\i -> writeArray rawData i $ extracted I.! i) [s .. e]
surfaceMarkDirty surface
shaderProxy ::
(Exp DIM2 -> Exp (RGBA Float))
-> Int
-> (Exp DIM2 -> Exp (RGBA Float))
-> Exp DIM1
-> Exp Word32
-> Exp Word32
shaderProxy bufferAccessF stride shaderF rawDims raw =
(x A.>= (constant $ stride `div` 4))
(packPixel $ shaderF coord)
coord@(unlift -> Z :. x :. (_ :: Exp Int)) = unpackIndex stride rawDims
surfacePixels :: Surface -> IO (Acc (A.Array DIM1 Word32))
surfacePixels surface = do
raw :: SurfaceData Int Word32 <- imageSurfaceGetPixels surface
iraw :: UArray Int Word32 <- freeze raw
return $ use $ fromIArray iraw
bufferAccess ::
Acc (A.Array DIM1 Word32) -> Int -> Exp (V2 Float) -> Exp (RGBA Float)
bufferAccess raw stride (unlift -> V2 x y) =
unpackPixel $ raw A.! (A.lift $ Z :. y' * (constant (stride `div` 4)) + x')
x' = A.floor x
y' = A.floor y
unpackIndex :: Int -> Exp DIM1 -> Exp (V2 Float)
unpackIndex stride (unlift -> Z :. i) =
(A.fromIntegral $ i `mod` (constant $ stride `div` 4))
(A.fromIntegral $ i `div` (constant $ stride `div` 4)))
packPixel :: Exp (RGBA Float) -> Exp Word32
packPixel = packARGB . multiplyRGBA . RGBA.clamp
unpackPixel :: Exp Word32 -> Exp (RGBA Float)
unpackPixel = unmutliplyRGBA . unpackARGB
multiplyRGBA :: Exp (RGBA Float) -> Exp (RGBA Float)
multiplyRGBA (unlift -> RGBA r g b a) =
A.lift $ RGBA (r * a) (g * a) (b * a) (a :: Exp Float)
unmutliplyRGBA :: Exp (RGBA Float) -> Exp (RGBA Float)
unmutliplyRGBA (unlift -> RGBA r g b a) =
A.lift $ RGBA (unmul a) (unmul g) (unmul b) a
unmul :: Exp Float -> Exp Float
unmul c = ifThenElse (a A./= constant 0) (c / a) (constant 0)
unpackARGB :: Exp Word32 -> Exp (RGBA Float)
unpackARGB w =
A.lift $
((/ 255) $ A.fromIntegral (255 .&. w `shiftR` 16))
((/ 255) $ A.fromIntegral (255 .&. w `shiftR` 8))
((/ 255) $ A.fromIntegral (255 .&. w `shiftR` 0))
((/ 255) $ A.fromIntegral (255 .&. w `shiftR` 24)) :: RGBA (Exp Float))
packARGB :: Exp (RGBA Float) -> Exp Word32
packARGB (unlift -> RGBA r g b a) =
((A.fromIntegral $ word8ofFloat a) `shiftL` 24) .|.
((A.fromIntegral $ word8ofFloat r) `shiftL` 16) .|.
((A.fromIntegral $ word8ofFloat g) `shiftL` 8) .|.
A.fromIntegral (word8ofFloat b)
word8ofFloat :: Exp Float -> Exp Word8
word8ofFloat x = A.truncate (x * 255)
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