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Created July 14, 2023 23:20
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subcultures in a json array
{"name": "Steampunk", "description": "Inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery and the aesthetics of the Victorian era."},
{"name": "Furries", "description": "Interested in anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics."},
{"name": "Cosplay", "description": "Dress up and role-play as characters from movies, TV shows, anime, manga, video games, and more."},
{"name": "Goth", "description": "Originating from the post-punk scene in the 1980s, characterized by a fascination with the macabre, romanticism, and dark aesthetics."},
{"name": "Lolita", "description": "Originating in Japan, characterized by wearing clothing inspired by the Rococo and Victorian eras."},
{"name": "Biohackers", "description": "Individuals who seek to enhance their bodies with a combination of medical, nutritional, and electronic techniques."},
{"name": "Freegans", "description": "People who employ alternative strategies for living based on limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources."},
{"name": "Urban Explorers", "description": "The exploration of manmade structures, usually abandoned ruins or hidden components of the manmade environment."},
{"name": "Pastafarians", "description": "Followers of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, a movement that promotes a light-hearted view of religion."},
{"name": "Hikikomori", "description": "In Japan, reclusive adolescents or adults who withdraw from society and seek extreme degrees of isolation and confinement."},
{"name": "Eco-Villagers", "description": "Communities of people who strive to live a sustainable life away from the hustle and bustle of modern cities."},
{"name": "Otherkin", "description": "Individuals who identify as non-human. This can include mythical creatures, animals, extraterrestrials, or anything else that is distinctly non-human."},
{"name": "Juggalos", "description": "Fans of the band Insane Clown Posse. This subculture is characterized by distinctive face paint, a love of horror-themed and often explicit lyrics, and a strong sense of community."},
{"name": "Seapunk", "description": "A subculture that originated on Tumblr in 2011. It is associated with an aquatic-themed style of fashion, 3D net art, iconography, and allusions to pop culture of the 1990s."},
{"name": "Health Goths", "description": "This subculture combines gothic aesthetics with a passion for physical fitness."},
{"name": "Dark Academia", "description": "A subculture with a heavy emphasis on education, writing, culture, and the arts, inspired by Gothic and Romantic aspects of the past."},
{"name": "Techno-Shamans", "description": "A subculture that combines spirituality with modern technology, particularly in the realm of virtual reality."},
{"name": "Idlers", "description": "This subculture embraces a slower pace of life, valuing free time and leisure over work."},
{"name": "Mudlarkers", "description": "Originating in London, Mudlarkers search the muddy shores of rivers at low tide for artifacts."},
{"name": "Psychobillies", "description": "This subculture blends punk rock with rockabilly and other forms of vintage rock and roll."},
{"name": "Cybergoths", "description": "This subculture blends elements of goth, raver, and rivethead fashion."},
{"name": "Sneakerheads", "description": "Individuals who collect, trade, or admire sneakers as a hobby."},
{"name": "Straight Edge", "description": "A subculture that originated from the hardcore punk community. Members abstain from alcohol, tobacco, and other recreational substances."},
{"name": "Chiptune Artists", "description": "Musicians who create tunes using the sound chips of old computers, consoles, and arcade machines."},
{"name": "Train Hoppers", "description": "Individuals who illegally hop and ride freight trains."},
{"name": "Zentai", "description": "People who are part of this subculture wear skin-tight bodysuits that cover the entire body."},
{"name": "Live Action Role-Players (LARPers)", "description": "Participants physically act out their characters' actions in games set in defined worlds or settings."},
{"name": "Bushcrafters", "description": "Individuals who practice bushcraft, the art of surviving in the wild using only natural resources."},
{"name": "Parrotheads", "description": "Fans of musician Jimmy Buffett. Parrotheads are known for their love of Hawaiian shirts, tropical drinks, and an overall island aesthetic."},
{"name": "E-girls/E-boys", "description": "A subculture that originated on the internet, particularly on platforms like TikTok. The style is characterized by colorful hair, heavy makeup, and a mix of early 2000s and skater fashion."},
{"name": "Beatniks", "description": "A mid-20th century subculture associated with the beat generation, characterized by a rejection of conventional social norms and an embrace of non-materialistic values."},
{"name": "Mods", "description": "Originated in London in the 1960s, characterized by a love for modern jazz, fashion, and scooters."},
{"name": "Rockers", "description": "A British subculture that started in the 1950s, known for their love of rock and roll music and motorcycles."},
{"name": "Skinheads", "description": "Originated in the 1960s, known for their close-cropped or shaven heads and working-class clothing."},
{"name": "Punks", "description": "Originated in the 1970s, characterized by a love for punk rock music, distinctive fashion, and a rebellious attitude."},
{"name": "New Romantics", "description": "A pop culture movement in the UK during the early 1980s, characterized by flamboyant, eccentric fashion and a love for synthpop music."},
{"name": "Grunge", "description": "Originated in the mid-1980s in the Pacific Northwest, particularly Seattle. Known for their love of grunge music and a 'careless' fashion style."},
{"name": "Emos", "description": "Originated in the 1980s, characterized by a love for emotive hardcore music, distinctive fashion, and introspective and emotional expression."},
{"name": "Gothabilly", "description": "A fusion of goth and rockabilly styles, incorporating elements from both subcultures."},
{"name": "Rude Boys/Girls", "description": "Originated in the streets of Kingston, Jamaica, in the late 1950s, associated with ska, rocksteady, and reggae music."},
{"name": "Teddy Boys/Girls", "description": "A British subculture that became popular in the 1950s, known for their Edwardian-style clothing."},
{"name": "Bikers/Biker Gangs", "description": "Known for their love of motorcycles and often associated with a rebellious or countercultural ethos."},
{"name": "Otaku", "description": "In Japan, otaku refers to people with obsessive interests, particularly in anime and manga."},
{"name": "Ravers", "description": "Associated with the late 80s and 90s electronic dance music scene."},
{"name": "Hipsters", "description": "Known for their appreciation of independent, non-mainstream tastes in music, fashion, and culture."},
{"name": "Vampires", "description": "People who identify with or emulate the lifestyle and aesthetic of the vampire mythology."},
{"name": "Bronies", "description": "Adult fans of the animated television series 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'."},
{"name": "Trekkies", "description": "Fans of the Star Trek franchise."},
{"name": "Cosplayers", "description": "People who dress up and role-play as characters from movies, TV shows, anime, manga, video games, and more."},
{"name": "LARPers", "description": "Participants in live action role-playing games."},
{"name": "Preppers", "description": "People who actively prepare for emergencies, including possible disruptions in social or political order."},
{"name": "Survivalists", "description": "Individuals or groups actively preparing for emergencies, including possible disruptions in social or political order."},
{"name": "Minimalists", "description": "People who seek to simplify their lives by reducing their possessions and consumption."},
{"name": "Vanlifers", "description": "People who choose to live full or part-time in their vans or other converted vehicles."},
{"name": "Digital Nomads", "description": "People who use telecommunications technologies to earn a living and conduct their life in a nomadic manner."},
{"name": "Tiny House Movement", "description": "A social movement where people choose to downsize their living space to simplify their lives."},
{"name": "Zero Wasters", "description": "People who aim to eliminate their waste production."},
{"name": "Makers", "description": "People who enjoy creating their own products such as electronics, robotics, 3D printing, and traditional arts and crafts."},
{"name": "Hackers", "description": "People skilled in manipulating or gaining unauthorized access to computer systems."},
{"name": "Coders", "description": "People who write the programming code that makes up computer software."},
{"name": "Cargo Cults", "description": "Religious practices that have appeared in many traditional tribal societies in the wake of interactions with technologically advanced cultures."},
{"name": "Quiverfull", "description": "A movement among some conservative Protestant couples, chiefly in the United States, who seek to have as many children as possible."},
{"name": "Voluntary Human Extinction Movement", "description": "Supports human extinction, primarily because, in the group's view, it would prevent environmental degradation."},
{"name": "Objectivists", "description": "Followers of the philosophy of Objectivism, which was created by writer Ayn Rand."},
{"name": "Nudists", "description": "People who practice, advocate for, and defend personal and social nudity."},
{"name": "Transhumanists", "description": "People who believe in the use of technology to enhance the human condition, including physical and mental improvements."},
{"name": "Urban Farmers", "description": "People who grow food in cities and densely populated urban environments."},
{"name": "Dumpster Divers", "description": "People who salvage items from commercial, residential, industrial and construction containers to find useful items."},
{"name": "Storm Chasers", "description": "People who pursue severe weather conditions to study or for the thrill."},
{"name": "Ghost Hunters", "description": "People who investigate locations that are reported to be haunted."},
{"name": "Ufologists", "description": "People who study reports, evidence, and other phenomena related to unidentified flying objects (UFOs)."},
{"name": "Cryptozoologists", "description": "People who search for creatures whose existence is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster."},
{"name": "Intentional Communities", "description": "Planned residential communities designed to have a high degree of social cohesion and teamwork."},
{"name": "Memory Athletes", "description": "People who train their memory and compete in memory competitions."},
{"name": "Parkour/Freerunning", "description": "People who practice the art of traversing urban landscapes by running, jumping, and climbing."},
{"name": "Body Modification", "description": "People who alter their physical appearance through practices such as tattooing, piercing, and surgical alterations."},
{"name": "Urban Foragers", "description": "People who gather wild foodstuffs or other resources in an urban environment."},
{"name": "Off-Grid Living", "description": "People who choose to live without reliance on one or more public utilities, such as electricity, gas, and water."},
{"name": "Sovereign Citizens", "description": "People who believe that they are not subject to any statutes and that they have the right to decide which laws to obey."},
{"name": "Time Lords", "description": "Fans of the Doctor Who series who take their fandom to the next level by role-playing as characters from the series."},
{"name": "Planespotters", "description": "People who spend their free time observing airplanes, often keeping detailed records of their observations."},
{"name": "Highpointers", "description": "People who try to reach the highest point in every geographic area."},
{"name": "Modern Primitives", "description": "People who engage in rituals of body modification in an effort to connect with their ancestral roots."},
{"name": "Doomsday Preppers", "description": "People who actively prepare for a global catastrophe by stockpiling food, water, and weapons."},
{"name": "Perpetual Travelers", "description": "People who choose to continuously travel and live in various countries, often to minimize tax liability."},
{"name": "Silicon Valley", "description": "People who work in the tech industry in Silicon Valley, characterized by a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship."},
{"name": "Amish", "description": "A group of traditionalist Christian church fellowships with Swiss German Anabaptist origins. They are closely related to, but distinct from, Mennonite churches."}
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