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Trees are cool. We should have more of them.

Travis Ralston turt2live

Trees are cool. We should have more of them.
View GitHub Profile
turt2live / .dockerignore
Last active August 3, 2018 22:56
Automatically redacts spam in matrix, usually sent by freenode spam bots.
import io
import json
import re
import base64
import argparse
import requests

Setting a default color scheme (tint) for Riot on your account

Caution: This requires some amount of technical knowledge about how matrix/riot works.

For reference, the original grey color scheme in Riot had a primary color of #595959 and a secondary color of #ececec

  1. Open the developer tools by typing /devtools
  2. Click the "Explore Account Data" button
  3. Click the "im.vector.web.settings" button (if you don't have this button, use the instructions below instead)
# This should be the public-facing name (ie: dns name)
# The room ID is NOT the room alias. The ID can be found at the bottom of the room settings dialog in riot-web
# This is your user ID and access token. The access token must match the user.
USER_ID="" # The home server should match this domain as well (ie: as a HS should be in the user)

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am turt2live on github.
  • I am turt2live ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 72AF 0316 9A79 0B13 1145 AFBF 7D44 B5EA 1658 5CD5

To claim this, I am signing this object: