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Last active July 22, 2023 21:54
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// ignore_for_file: avoid_print
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io'; //InternetAddress utility
import 'dart:async'; //For StreamController/Stream
import 'package:connectivity/connectivity.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'appConstant.dart';
class ConnectionStatusSingleton {
//This creates the single instance by calling the `_internal` constructor specified below
static final ConnectionStatusSingleton _singleton =
factory ConnectionStatusSingleton() {
return _singleton;
//This is how we'll allow subscribing to connection changes
StreamController connectionChangeController = StreamController.broadcast();
StreamController notificationCountController = StreamController.broadcast();
final Connectivity _connectivity = Connectivity();
//Hook into flutter_connectivity's Stream to listen for changes
//And check the connection status out of the gate
void initialize() {
Stream get connectionChange =>;
Stream get bildirimSayisiChange =>;
//A clean up method to close our StreamController
// Because this is meant to exist through the entire application life cycle this isn't
// really an issue
void dispose() {
void _connectionChange(ConnectivityResult result) async {
print("_connectivity connection changed: $result");
//if ConnectivityResult.none, there's no need to "check"
if (result != ConnectivityResult.none) {
await checkConnection();
} else {
hasConnection = false;
//The test to actually see if there is a connection
Future<bool> checkConnection() async {
bool previousConnection = hasConnection;
List userData = await dbHelper.getUserTable();
String requestUser = userData.isNotEmpty ? userData[0]['email'] : "";
//I need Current Route and I need it to be not null..
String currentRoute = navigatorKey.currentState != null
? ModalRoute.of(navigatorKey.currentState!.context) != null
? ModalRoute.of(navigatorKey.currentState!.context)!!
: ""
: "";
/// <summary>
/// this method checks if our API is up and returns notification-count.
/// By calling this method, we get answers to;
/// - do I have connection?
/// - is my API up & running?
/// - do I have any unread notification?
/// - logs: deviceID, IP address and active on which page(app)
/// </summary>
String requestURL =
try {
final response = await http
.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 3));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
var responseDecode = json.decode(response.body);
bildirimSayisi = int.parse(responseDecode.toString());
print("Current notification count: $bildirimSayisi");
hasConnection = true;
} else {
await dbHelper.insertLogBase(
"No Internet", "checkConnection", "Connectivity");
hasConnection = false;
} on TimeoutException catch (_) {
await dbHelper.insertLogBase(
"No Internet - TimeOut", "checkConnection", "Connectivity");
hasConnection = false;
} on SocketException catch (_) {
await dbHelper.insertLogBase(
"No Internet", "checkConnection", "Connectivity");
hasConnection = false;
//The connection status changed send out an update to all listeners
if (previousConnection != hasConnection) {
print("Am I Online? ---> $hasConnection");
return hasConnection;
final connectionStatus = ConnectionStatusSingleton();
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