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Created September 25, 2016 03:00
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### DataTable.pm6 file content ###
use v6;
use Data::Dump;
unit class DataTable:ver<0.0.1>:auth<github:tushardave26>;
#custom types
subset Int-or-Str where Int|Str;
subset Array-or-Str where Array|Str;
subset Array-or-Int where Array|Int;
has Array is rw = [];
has Int-or-Str @.header is rw = [];
has Int $.type is readonly = 0;
# This method performs several sanity checks.
method !sanity-check () {
# 1. check whether all elements of all arrays of array of arrays (i.e. data) is equal or not
unless [==] @!data {
fail "The number of observations in each rows are not equal.!!";
# 2. check whether the header is provided in object creation or not
unless @!header {
@!header = @!data[0]'V'~*)
# 3. check whether the number of observation meaning number elements in a row is equal to
# number of columns or not
unless @!data.[0].elems == @!header.elems {
fail "The number of observations and number of columns are not equal.!!";
# call sanity-check method within it definition
#return True;
multi method get-row (Int :$index! --> Array) {
# check the provided data consistency and other possible issues
return @!data[$index].Array;
multi method get-row (Array :@index! --> Array) {
# check the provided data consistency and other possible issues
return @!data[@index];
### test.p6 content ###
use v6;
use lib '../lib';
use Data::Dump;
use DataTable;
my $dt = => [["Tushar", "Dave", 29], ["John", "Adams", 30]],
header => ["Fname", "Lname", "Age"],
my @row = $dt.get-row(index => [0..1]);
#my @row = $dt.get-row(index => 0);
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