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Last active June 10, 2024 09:48
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Read and Process Very Large Files line by line in Node.js With less CPU and Memory usage.

Reading Big Files in Node.js is a little tricky. Node.js is meant to deal with I/O tasks efficiently and not CPU intensive computations. It is still doable though but I'd prefer doing such tasks in languages like python, R etc. Reading, Parsing, Transforming and then Saving large data sets (I'm talking millions of records here) can be done in a lot of ways but only a few of those are efficient. Following snippet is able to parse millions of records without wasting a lot of CPU (15% - 30% max) and (40 MB - 60 MB max) memory. It is based on Streams.

The following program expects the input to be a csv file source eg. big-data.unpr.csv It saves the result as ndjson and not json as working with huge datasets is easier when done using ndjson format.

import { createReadStream, createWriteStream, readdirSync } from 'fs';
import split from 'split2';
import through2 from 'through2';
import parse from 'csv-parse';
import pump from 'pump';
import ndjson from 'ndjson';
import uniqid from 'uniqid';

import { Logger } from '../util';
import { CronJob } from 'cron';

const serialize = () => ndjson.serialize();
const source = (filename: string) => createReadStream(filename);
const output = (filename: string) => createWriteStream(filename);

const transformObjectStream = (context: any) => {
  return through2.obj(async function(chunk: string, enc: string, callback: (err?: Error) => any) {
    let stringChunk;
    try {
      stringChunk = chunk.toString();
    } catch (e) {
      stringChunk = null;
      Logger.error(`STEP - Transform Object To String Error at line ${context.line} ${e}`);
      return callback();
        bom: true,
        skip_empty_lines: true,
        skip_lines_with_empty_values: true,
        skip_lines_with_error: true,
        trim: true,
      async (err: Error, parsedString: string[]) => {
        if (err) {
          Logger.error(`STEP - Transform Object Error at line ${context.line} ${err}`);
          return callback();
        // this will give rest to cpu
        // brings cpu usage from 100% to 20-25% :-)
        if (context.line % 5000 === 0) {
          await delay();
        try {
          const join = parsedString[0];
          if (!join || !Array.isArray(join)) {
            throw new Error(`Bad CSV Line at ${context.line}`);
          const data = {
            address: join[3],
            age: join[1],
            city: join[2],
            firstName: join[0],
            gender: join[7],
            lastName: join[6],
            pin: join[8],
            searchId: uniqid(),
            state: join[4],
          return callback();
        } catch (e) {
          Logger.error(`STEP - Transform Object Error at line ${context.line} ${e}`);
          return callback();

const onErrorOrFinish = (context: any) => (e: Error) => {
  if (e) {
    Logger.error(`FINAL - Error After Parsing ${context.line} lines - ${e}`);
  } else {
    Logger.debug(`Time Taken ${( - context.time) / 100} seconds`);
    Logger.debug(`Lines Parsed ${context.line}`);
  globalContext.jobInProgress = false;

const delay = () =>
  new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, 1000);

const globalContext = { jobInProgress: false };

function run() {
  Logger.debug(`Job is ${globalContext.jobInProgress ? 'ALREADY' : 'NOT'} running.`);
  if (globalContext.jobInProgress) {
  const files: string[] = readdirSync('./');
  let fileName: string = null;
  for (const name of files) {
    if (
      name.includes('.unpr.csv') &&
      !files.includes(`${name.replace('.unpr.csv', '')}.pr.ndjson`)
    ) {
      fileName = name;
  if (!fileName) {
    Logger.debug(`No more files to process. Exiting.`);
  const jobContext = {
    existFileName: fileName,
    existFilePath: `./${fileName}`,
    fileName: `./${fileName.replace('.unpr.csv', '')}.pr.ndjson`,
    line: 1,
  globalContext.jobInProgress = true;


const job = new CronJob({
  context: globalContext,
  cronTime: '*/1 * * * *',
  onTick: run,
  start: false,
  timeZone: 'America/Los_Angeles',

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