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Created June 17, 2022 08:44
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Poetry Debug Output
Using virtualenv: /home/tushar/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/personal-website-43YhZ939-py3.10
PyPI: 36 packages found for motor *
Using version ^3.0.0 for motor
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies...
1: fact: personal-website is 0.1.0
1: derived: personal-website
1: fact: personal-website depends on fastapi (^0.73.0)
1: fact: personal-website depends on aiofiles (^0.8.0)
1: fact: personal-website depends on aiohttp (^3.8.1)
1: fact: personal-website depends on uvicorn (^0.17.4)
1: fact: personal-website depends on motor (^3.0.0)
1: fact: personal-website depends on black (^22.1.0)
1: fact: personal-website depends on flake8 (^4.0.1)
1: fact: personal-website depends on mypy (^0.931)
1: fact: personal-website depends on black (^22.1.0)
1: fact: personal-website depends on flake8 (^4.0.1)
1: fact: personal-website depends on mypy (^0.931)
1: selecting personal-website (0.1.0)
1: derived: mypy (>=0.931,<0.932)
1: derived: flake8 (>=4.0.1,<5.0.0)
1: derived: black (>=22.1.0,<23.0.0)
1: derived: motor[srv] (>=3.0.0,<4.0.0)
1: derived: uvicorn (>=0.17.4,<0.18.0)
1: derived: aiohttp (>=3.8.1,<4.0.0)
1: derived: aiofiles (>=0.8.0,<0.9.0)
1: derived: fastapi (>=0.73.0,<0.74.0)
1: fact: mypy (0.931) depends on typing-extensions (>=3.10)
1: fact: mypy (0.931) depends on mypy-extensions (>=0.4.3)
1: fact: mypy (0.931) depends on tomli (>=1.1.0)
1: selecting mypy (0.931)
1: derived: tomli (>=1.1.0)
1: derived: mypy-extensions (>=0.4.3)
1: derived: typing-extensions (>=3.10)
1: fact: flake8 (4.0.1) depends on mccabe (>=0.6.0,<0.7.0)
1: fact: flake8 (4.0.1) depends on pycodestyle (>=2.8.0,<2.9.0)
1: fact: flake8 (4.0.1) depends on pyflakes (>=2.4.0,<2.5.0)
1: selecting flake8 (4.0.1)
1: derived: pyflakes (>=2.4.0,<2.5.0)
1: derived: pycodestyle (>=2.8.0,<2.9.0)
1: derived: mccabe (>=0.6.0,<0.7.0)
1: fact: black (22.3.0) depends on click (>=8.0.0)
1: fact: black (22.3.0) depends on platformdirs (>=2)
1: fact: black (22.3.0) depends on pathspec (>=0.9.0)
1: fact: black (22.3.0) depends on mypy-extensions (>=0.4.3)
1: fact: black (22.3.0) depends on tomli (>=1.1.0)
1: selecting black (22.3.0)
1: derived: pathspec (>=0.9.0)
1: derived: platformdirs (>=2)
1: derived: click (>=8.0.0)
PyPI: 1 packages found for motor >=3.0.0,<4.0.0
0: Duplicate dependencies for pymongo
0: Merging requirements for pymongo (>=4.1,<5)
1: fact: motor (3.0.0) depends on motor (3.0.0)
1: fact: motor (3.0.0) depends on pymongo (>=4.1,<5)
1: selecting motor[srv] (3.0.0)
1: derived: pymongo (>=4.1,<5)
1: derived: motor (==3.0.0)
PyPI: 2 packages found for pymongo >=4.1,<5
1: fact: uvicorn (0.17.6) depends on asgiref (>=3.4.0)
1: fact: uvicorn (0.17.6) depends on click (>=7.0)
1: fact: uvicorn (0.17.6) depends on h11 (>=0.8)
1: selecting uvicorn (0.17.6)
1: derived: h11 (>=0.8)
1: derived: asgiref (>=3.4.0)
1: fact: aiohttp (3.8.1) depends on attrs (>=17.3.0)
1: fact: aiohttp (3.8.1) depends on charset-normalizer (>=2.0,<3.0)
1: fact: aiohttp (3.8.1) depends on multidict (>=4.5,<7.0)
1: fact: aiohttp (3.8.1) depends on async-timeout (>=4.0.0a3,<5.0)
1: fact: aiohttp (3.8.1) depends on yarl (>=1.0,<2.0)
1: fact: aiohttp (3.8.1) depends on frozenlist (>=1.1.1)
1: fact: aiohttp (3.8.1) depends on aiosignal (>=1.1.2)
1: selecting aiohttp (3.8.1)
1: derived: aiosignal (>=1.1.2)
1: derived: frozenlist (>=1.1.1)
1: derived: yarl (>=1.0,<2.0)
1: derived: async-timeout (>=4.0.0a3,<5.0)
1: derived: multidict (>=4.5,<7.0)
1: derived: charset-normalizer (>=2.0,<3.0)
1: derived: attrs (>=17.3.0)
1: selecting aiofiles (0.8.0)
1: fact: fastapi (0.73.0) depends on starlette (0.17.1)
1: fact: fastapi (0.73.0) depends on pydantic (>=1.6.2,<1.7 || >1.7,<1.7.1 || >1.7.1,<1.7.2 || >1.7.2,<1.7.3 || >1.7.3,<1.8 || >1.8,<1.8.1 || >1.8.1,<2.0.0)
1: selecting fastapi (0.73.0)
1: derived: pydantic (>=1.6.2,!=1.7,!=1.7.1,!=1.7.2,!=1.7.3,!=1.8,!=1.8.1,<2.0.0)
1: derived: starlette (==0.17.1)
1: selecting tomli (2.0.1)
1: selecting mypy-extensions (0.4.3)
1: selecting typing-extensions (4.2.0)
1: selecting pyflakes (2.4.0)
1: selecting pycodestyle (2.8.0)
1: selecting mccabe (0.6.1)
1: selecting pathspec (0.9.0)
1: selecting platformdirs (2.5.2)
1: fact: click (8.1.3) depends on colorama (*)
1: selecting click (8.1.3)
1: derived: colorama
1: selecting h11 (0.13.0)
1: selecting asgiref (3.5.2)
1: fact: aiosignal (1.2.0) depends on frozenlist (>=1.1.0)
1: selecting aiosignal (1.2.0)
1: selecting frozenlist (1.3.0)
1: fact: yarl (1.7.2) depends on multidict (>=4.0)
1: fact: yarl (1.7.2) depends on idna (>=2.0)
1: selecting yarl (1.7.2)
1: derived: idna (>=2.0)
1: selecting async-timeout (4.0.2)
1: selecting multidict (6.0.2)
1: selecting charset-normalizer (2.0.12)
1: selecting attrs (21.4.0)
1: fact: pydantic (1.9.1) depends on typing-extensions (>=
1: selecting pydantic (1.9.1)
1: fact: starlette (0.17.1) depends on anyio (>=3.0.0,<4)
1: selecting starlette (0.17.1)
1: derived: anyio (>=3.0.0,<4)
1: selecting idna (3.3)
1: fact: anyio (3.6.1) depends on idna (>=2.8)
1: fact: anyio (3.6.1) depends on sniffio (>=1.1)
1: selecting anyio (3.6.1)
1: derived: sniffio (>=1.1)
1: selecting sniffio (1.2.0)
1: selecting pymongo (4.1.1)
PyPI: 1 packages found for motor 3.0.0
1: fact: motor (3.0.0) depends on pymongo (>=4.1,<5)
1: selecting motor (3.0.0)
1: selecting colorama (0.4.5)
1: Version solving took 0.234 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
Writing lock file
Finding the necessary packages for the current system
Package operations: 2 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals, 31 skipped
• Removing colorama (0.4.5): Pending...
• Removing colorama (0.4.5): Skipped for the following reason: Not currently installed
• Installing idna (3.3): Pending...
• Installing idna (3.3): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing sniffio (1.2.0): Pending...
• Installing sniffio (1.2.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing anyio (3.6.1): Pending...
• Installing anyio (3.6.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing frozenlist (1.3.0): Pending...
• Installing frozenlist (1.3.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing multidict (6.0.2): Pending...
• Installing multidict (6.0.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing typing-extensions (4.2.0): Pending...
• Installing typing-extensions (4.2.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing aiosignal (1.2.0): Pending...
• Installing aiosignal (1.2.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing asgiref (3.5.2): Pending...
• Installing asgiref (3.5.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing async-timeout (4.0.2): Pending...
• Installing async-timeout (4.0.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing attrs (21.4.0): Pending...
• Installing charset-normalizer (2.0.12): Pending...
• Installing attrs (21.4.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing charset-normalizer (2.0.12): Pending...
• Installing charset-normalizer (2.0.12): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing click (8.1.3): Pending...
• Installing click (8.1.3): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pymongo (4.1.1): Pending...
• Installing mccabe (0.6.1): Pending...
• Installing mccabe (0.6.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing starlette (0.17.1): Pending...
• Installing starlette (0.17.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing tomli (2.0.1): Pending...
• Installing pycodestyle (2.8.0): Pending...
• Installing pycodestyle (2.8.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing tomli (2.0.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pycodestyle (2.8.0): Pending...
• Installing pycodestyle (2.8.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pydantic (1.9.1): Pending...
• Installing pymongo (4.1.1): Installing...
• Installing mccabe (0.6.1): Pending...
• Installing mccabe (0.6.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing starlette (0.17.1): Pending...
• Installing starlette (0.17.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing tomli (2.0.1): Pending...
• Installing tomli (2.0.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pycodestyle (2.8.0): Pending...
• Installing pycodestyle (2.8.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pydantic (1.9.1): Pending...
• Installing pymongo (4.1.1)
• Installing mccabe (0.6.1): Pending...
• Installing mccabe (0.6.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing starlette (0.17.1): Pending...
• Installing starlette (0.17.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing tomli (2.0.1): Pending...
• Installing tomli (2.0.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pycodestyle (2.8.0): Pending...
• Installing pycodestyle (2.8.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pydantic (1.9.1): Pending...
• Installing pydantic (1.9.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pyflakes (2.4.0): Pending...
• Installing pyflakes (2.4.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing h11 (0.13.0): Pending...
• Installing h11 (0.13.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing mypy-extensions (0.4.3): Pending...
• Installing mypy-extensions (0.4.3): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing pathspec (0.9.0): Pending...
• Installing pathspec (0.9.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing platformdirs (2.5.2): Pending...
• Installing platformdirs (2.5.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing yarl (1.7.2): Pending...
• Installing yarl (1.7.2): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing aiofiles (0.8.0): Pending...
• Installing aiofiles (0.8.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing aiohttp (3.8.1): Pending...
• Installing aiohttp (3.8.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing black (22.3.0): Pending...
• Installing black (22.3.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing fastapi (0.73.0): Pending...
• Installing fastapi (0.73.0): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing flake8 (4.0.1): Pending...
• Installing flake8 (4.0.1): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing mypy (0.931): Pending...
• Installing mypy (0.931): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
• Installing motor (3.0.0): Pending...
• Installing motor (3.0.0): Installing...
• Installing motor (3.0.0)
• Installing uvicorn (0.17.6): Pending...
• Installing uvicorn (0.17.6): Skipped for the following reason: Already installed
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