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Created June 25, 2022 22:56
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Creating shared schema multi-tenancy using python
app = FastAPI(
title="Project X",
description="Project X API",
app.include_router(v1_router, prefix="/api/v1", dependencies=[Depends(AppOrigin)])
from fastapi import Request, Header, HTTPException
from core.db import session
from app.models import Tenant
class AppOrigin:
def __init__(self, request: Request, app_origin: int = Header(None)):
if not app_origin:
raise HTTPException(status_code=422, detail="App-Origin header invalid")
tenant = session.query(Tenant).filter(
request.tenant = tenant['tenant'] = tenant
from sqlalchemy import Column, Unicode, BigInteger, Boolean
from core.db import Base
from core.db.mixins import TenantMixin
class User(Base, TenantMixin):
__tablename__ = "users"
__multitenant__ = True
id = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
password = Column(Unicode(255), nullable=False)
email = Column(Unicode(255), nullable=False, unique=True)
name = Column(Unicode(255))
from sqlalchemy import Column, inspect, BigInteger, func, event
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.orm import Query
from core.db import session
class TenantMixin:
def tenant_id(cls):
if not cls.__multitenant__:
return None
return Column(BigInteger, nullable=False, default=_current_session_tenant)
def _current_session_tenant():
tenant ='tenant', False)
if not tenant:
return 1
return 1
@event.listens_for(Query, 'before_compile', retval=True)
def before_compile(query):
tenant_safe = query._execution_options.get('tenant_safe', False)
if tenant_safe:
return query
for column in query.column_descriptions:
entity = column['entity']
if entity is None:
inspector = inspect(column['entity'])
mapper = getattr(inspector, 'mapper', None)
if mapper and issubclass(mapper.class_, TenantMixin):
query = query.enable_assertions(False).filter(
return query
userById = session.query(User).filter( == user_id).first()
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